Chapter 16

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Another whole day in the library has gone by. We've been searching every book possible that might have any information on dragons but no luck on how to get passed them. Harry and I haven't spoken to each other since our fight, we're both just giving each other the silent treatment, although it's not really a silent treatment when neither of us has made an effort to speak to each other. And I wasn't planning on helping him either but Hermione dragged me along and I had nothing better to do.
"Nothing here" I said putting down another book 'Dragon's for Dummies'.
I looked down at my watch to see the time. 4:50
"I should get going, Hermione" I said grabbing my bag and journal. "Where are you going?" Asked Hermione. "Oh I uh- I just have some stuff I need to turn in some stuff for Divination" I said hurrying off before she could ask me any more questions.

I stood in front of a gargoyle. I didn't know the password to his office. Why did I think I could just come here and he'd talk to me?
I turned around to leave, when I heard the statue moving. I turned back around to see Professor Dumbledore standing there with a look of curiosity.
"We'll hello there, why don't you come in?" He said stepping inside his office.
I followed behind His office was just as colorful as it was when I was here last.
I saw his phoenix, Fawkes perched up. He was so beautiful so red and orange and vibrant.
"Amazing how such small animal can be so powerful, isn't it" Professor Dumbledore said as he watched me pet Fawkes.
"He's very beautiful" I said.
"What brings you here, my dear" he said taking a seat in his chair.
"Well, you see, I recently told someone about something and they said I should tell you, that you would know what to do" I said not really knowing how to explain myself. He nodded slowly.
"When I first met Cedric I sort of had this vision thing. It was sort as if I had transported to a different area as if I was no longer where I had been just moments ago and then I came back and it was as if no time had passed."
"What did you see?"
"I saw Cedric sir, Cedric Diggory, I saw him lying on the ground..  We were in a cemetery, Tom Riddle's cemetery, sir" I said looking down at the ground remembering that horrible Image I had seen.
"My da- I mean someone said that my mother had these visions too, that she'd see people and their fates, but that's not what happened with me, right? I mean Cedric he's, he's fine" I said starting to panic.
"I see" he said pacing while stroking his long beard "Your mother came from a long line of seers, so I don't find it doubtful that you too shall posses those powers, I remember her when she would make everyone get in line so she could read their fortunes" he said chuckling at the last part.
"So then it's real?" I asked confused.
"Not precisely dear, unfortunately I can't prevent someone's... misfortune as visions are mere, possibilities. However"- he said finally taking a break from pacing to look at me, "you say you were there in your vision?"
"Yeah I was like chained to this tree" I said.
"I'd like for you to meet with Professor Trelawney next week" he said walking towards his bookshelf. "There are things she must teach you" he said his finger tracing the names of his books as if he's looking for something. "Professor Trelawney? But all she does is predict my death, she said I was going to drown this year" I said rolling my eyes.
"Ah here it is" he said grabbing a book. "I think this belongs to you" he said grabbing a red and blue book and letting it float over to me. I grinned at him and grabbed the book recognizing it as the book from last year that had helped save buckbeak. "Why don't you read over it, I'm sure it can help you answer many questions you might have".

I was in Herbology class with no idea what we were doing, Blaise kept looking at me and smiling. It was very weird  but I had no intention of asking him why he kept looking at me.
Just then Harry entered into the classroom, "pardon me Professor" Harry said before walking towards me and grabbing my arm "I need you" he said pulling me out of the class.
"Bloody Hell, Harry" I said pulling back making him let go of me once he pushed me into a empty room.
"Look, I'm sorry. I don't know what's going on with us but I miss you" Harry said holding both my hands. "You needed help with something?" I said avoiding his gaze and letting my hands drop by my side. He sighed "Yeah I need to learn the summoning spell, 'Accio' that's the only way I can bring my broomstick"
"We're going to need Hermione for that" I said knowing damn well I couldn't teach Harry a spell. Just then the door flew open "okay im here, let's get to work" Hermione said walking in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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