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Phoenix Simpson

Chapter 1

Dismantling my gun would have been so much easier to do if Landon wasn't playing his shit music and pelting his shit singing so loudly. This wasn't even his room, but if there was one thing I could confidently say about Landon, it was that he had no boundaries. Not when it came to me or any of our brothers anyway.

Casting him a dry look, I mentally dared him to keep going. Landon didn't even bat an eye at my frosty gaze, if anything, he sang louder, his voice rising in pitch as he attempted a wobbly falsetto. His dancing grew even more lively as he threw punches in the air and in all of this, Landon never broke eye contact with me. I was surprised he could even hit such high notes.

"How old are you, Landon?" I asked him, my voice as flat as my expression.

"Twenty-one," Landon answered without shame, not missing a beat.

I scoffed under my breath, shaking my head to myself. I couldn't deny it, I admired Landon's playful energy. He wouldn't be himself without it. Whenever Landon was feeling down, it dragged everything and everyone down too. Just looking at the loveable idiot now, one wouldn't think that he was my loyal Number Two. No one would guess he was capable of the things he was capable of. Or that he'd done the things that he'd done. Landon was ruthless when he wanted to be. But he was also the senior family clown, the triplets taking up the junior roles, of course.

Landon started gliding his way closer to me, now attempting to sing to me as the song playing from his phone changed from an upbeat indie pop song to a classic ballad. I sat still, my hooded eyes locked on his as he drew closer. Despite my no-nonsense facial expression, Landon reached for my hair and I wasted no time slapping his hand away.

"Alright, that's enough," I decided, pushing myself off my bed.

Landon's singing ended abruptly, and his face sported a massive grin instead, sensing the fight that was to come.

"You can leave now," I grabbed his shoulders and tried to steer him to the door. Simply asking him to go wouldn't result in anything.

"Oh, come on, Phoenix," Landon chuckled, resisting me. "We were having a great time."

"You were having a great time," I corrected. "I have had enough now, so get out."

Landon playfully wrestled me back for a few moments, his hands seizing my arms as he tried to manhandle me back to my starting position. Our feet scuffed against the cream carpet, and I couldn't help the small smile on my face as I finally managed to shove Landon out of my room entirely.

"Wait, my phone!"

"Take the damn thing with you," I grabbed the phone which was still playing music and slapped it into his hand before shutting my bedroom door.

To think of what had started off as a quiet afternoon job hunting had turned into Landon giving me a private concert. He had obviously been as bored as I had. Honestly, maybe I'd appreciated the interlude he provided. Looking for a job was the last thing I wanted to do, and the whole process was miserable. The thought of working for someone, anyone that wasn't myself, was enough to sour my day.

It had been the same thing for weeks now. Job sites after job sites. Finding nothing I wanted to do. Everything was beneath me. Landon said I had to lower my pride if I was going to get anywhere. And that was usually when I turned the attention to him and asked why he was also still unemployed after so many weeks.

Returning to my bed, I eyed my laptop for a moment before pinning my attention back to my gun. Picking up the solid weapon, I rubbed my thumb against its smooth metal casing. It sat comfortably in my hand, fitting perfectly into the folds of my palm. It was mine. I didn't want to get rid of it, but the truth was, I didn't have a legal licence for it. Even if I applied to get a licence, I wouldn't be granted one. My criminal record would ensure that. If the police found it somehow, they'd put me inside for possession and I wasn't ever going back to jail, not even for a day.

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