Chapter 1

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It's a peaceful morning in the woods, birds are chirping, wind is blowing, and Jax is walking through the woods to get to work, just like any other day. Well... except that weird being watched feeling. He just can't shake it; it feels like someone's there. Sure, there's a million creatures in these woods, but it felt different, like a person. He really had to get work though, so he just pulled his red hood up a bit further and walked a bit faster.

From the trees, a pair of yellow eyes peered at the boy below. He had always walked back and forth, back and forth, and Demare could no longer stand it. It was basically his path because it was pretty much his forest, considering it smelled like him, there were no other wolves in the area and nothing was brave enough to even try to challenge him, even in this stupid human-like form. Even in this inferior form, he was the greatest creature in the forest, nay, the world! Sure, absolutely no one knew about this self-proclaimed greatness, but that doesn't make it any less true. Definitely not.

The red hooded boy was getting out of sight, so Demare leapt to the next tree branch to keep watching him. Being human shaped sucked, but climbing trees was a lot easier because of it. That made it easier to make sure he's going to the same place as he always does and think of what to say to him when he would eventually confront him about being in what was rightfully Demare's forest.

God, why couldn't Jax shake that funny feeling? There wasn't- well, shouldn't be anyone in the forest with him; no one else was crazy enough to live there. Right?

He heard a loud rustling above him. He looked up, only to see a pair of big, angry looking yellow eyes staring right back.

"Wh- what the-" Jax started to ask, but the eye's owner seemed to notice they'd been spotted, and so quickly made their retreat higher up in the tree.

Jax, like any sensible person, did not want anything to do with angry eyes in trees, and so decided that it was a wonderful day for an impromptu jog to work.

Well, until the leaves rustled again and his slight shock stopping him from running when he heard it.

"W-who's there?!" He somewhat timidly asked the leaves above him, adding "I-I'm armed!" to hopefully intimidate his newfound stalker. He heard the crack of a stick behind him, so he turned around to see what was there, only to find nothing. "...Get it together Jax." He told himself. But when he turned back around, he found himself face to face with a blonde boy with wolf like ears, sharp looking fangs and the same yellow eyes.

Jax, like any sensible person, started screaming, also swinging his arms around to try and hit the wolf-boy away.

"Who- No, what are you?! Where did you come from?! Why were you stalking me?!?!" He scream-asked once he composed himself enough to form words. He also stopped hitting him, since it didn't seem to have much of an effect anyways.

"Are you done?" The wolf-boy asked, receiving a short nod. "Well, I am obviously a wolf, I was born and raised in this forest, and it's my forest, so I was stalking you to see why you were in my forest." He said, speaking a lot better then Jax expected a wolf-boy to talk. Still..

"And just what makes it your forest? Last I knew, it belonged to all the animals living in it, not some dude pretending to be a wolf and stalking people in the trees." He told him, trying to convince himself the ears looked fake. He might've been able to do it too if one of them hadn't flicked when a fly came near. 

The wolf-boy's face looked more annoyed. "I'll have you know I am 100% wolf and the fact that I went to sleep one day and woke up like this does not change it." The wolf-boy said, crossing his arms. "Also, this forest is mine because it smells like me and all the other animals know I'm the best. And sure, maybe the entire forest isn't mine, but this part is, so I'll ask again, why you in my forest are?" (Microsoft editing wanted me to change "why are you in my forest" to "why you in my forest are" and it was too funny not to put in I'm sorry lmao ok no other a/n's sorry bout this)

"I- That's a strange explanation but- whatever, I'm here because I also live here, if it's your forest I guess I can respect that but I'm not moving. I walk on the path here into town because unfortunately as a human I need money to survive and that means I have to work. Obviously, there's no work inside the forest, so I work in the flower shop in town as a florist. Heh, that rhymed." He tried to simply explain, momentarily forgetting his anger and fear with the rhyme. 

The wolf-boy still looked annoyed, but he sighed and lost the look soon after. "Alright, I guess we can share... But you only get the path and your house thing. The rest is mine. Especially the ponds." 

Ponds? "Why the ponds?" Jax asked, a little confused.

"Well, it's quite simple really, I just enjoy looking at water." He answered as if it made sense.

"I- o-okay then. So, how come you talk so well? Doesn't make much sense, given you're a 'wolf'." He asked, still hoping he wasn't actually some kind of wolf-boy.

"Well, if you must know, I actually live in a house with a human, he talks to me a lot so I learned to talk from him. He also gave me the clothes I'm wearing." He explained, gesturing to his dirty jeans and tattered flannel shirt, tail wagging as if they were the best clothes in the world. Wait, tail? Jax didn't notice that before. This guy has to be the real deal, unfortunately. 

"I see... When did he give you those...? They look kind of.. ruined." Jax asked, for some unfathomable reason slightly concerned with his wellbeing. The wolf just shrugged though, seemingly not knowing or remembering.

"Alright, well, I really have to get to work.. nice to uh, meet you, I guess. Maybe we can talk later, if you're still here when I go home?" Jax asked, not really sure why some part of him wanted to keep talking to this weird wolf-boy.

"Sure, I guess." He agreed, hopefully not planning to eat Jax or something.

"See you later then." Jax told him before taking his leave. 

Demare the sleepy boi just found a comfy spot to take a nap since he doesn't have many other hobbies. L

just a dumb fairytale au for me and my friends ocsWhere stories live. Discover now