Chapter 7

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Demare hung out with Jax for a while, who gave him new bandages since the ones he had were getting gross, but they both decided he should probably go home once it started getting dark.

So home he went, finding it easy to find as usual, just following the smell of soup and eventually found the warmly lit cabin.

He walked inside, finding Seb sipping some tea at his spot at the counter. 

"Oh hey, you're back. Did you eat already?" Sebastian asked after swallowing the tea in is mouth.

"No, but I don't really feel like eating." Demare told him, sitting at the table.

"...Who are you and what have you done with Demare?" Seb exaggeratedly squinted his eyes at him, "analyzing".

Demare simply tilted his head. 

Seb sighed. "Nevermind. Seems like you're just bored of your hobbies. Which is basically just eating for you."

"Well, no, I also like to look at water, you know this, and what else am I supposed to do?" The wolf boy asked, letting out a sigh. 

"Read a book?" Seb suggested.

"I can't read!" Demare exclaimed.

"So? You can talk, learn how." Sebastain rolled his eyes.

"What? How? How are letters and stuff ever supposed to make sense?" Demare sort of angrily asked.

"Fine, if you don't wanna read, you could at least help with the chores." Seb crossed his arms.

"I would if you would teach me how to do them!"

"Fine! Tomorrow, dawn!"


They both huffed, turning away from each other, when it finally crossed Demare's mind.

"What are chores?" He asked, turning back and tilting his head.

"Hm? Oh, they're like.. things you do to keep your house clean and running, I guess. You'll see tomorrow. Should probably get some sleep." 

"Okay." Demare responded, only really understanding sleep.

So they went to their room, went to sleep blah blah now its morning wee

Demare was woken up by Seb kicking his bed, before the sun had come up.

"Get up Wolfy, gonna have a long day if I have to show you how to do everything." Sebastian told him.

"Wha.. but the... where- where's the.. the, uh... the.. bright sky thingy?" Demare asked after sitting up, rubbing his eyes with his non-broken hand.

"Sun ain't up yet. Gotta get stuff done in the morning so you can do whatever later. Thats how see it." Seb said, waiting for him to get up and follow him.

Demare whined a bit about being woken up so early, but eventually got up and followed Sebastian to the kitchen, where some bread was thrown in his face.

"Breakfast." Seb told him simply, putting some jam on his own bread.

Demare picked it up off the ground where it fell, eating it in exactly -2 bites. We don't know if he chewed or not.

"...I was gonna give you some jam with that." Seb told him, slightly appalled.

"Bread. Mouf. No more bread." Demare very intelligently strung words together.

Seb sighed. "Okay buddy, if you say so." 

They sat in silence for a bit while Sebastian ate his own breakfast, allowing time for Demare to wake up fully. 

"Alright," Sebastian started once he was ready, "I was gonna have you help me chop some wood, but you can't really do that with your wrist busted up like that. So, I think I'll just have you sweep to start."

"Sleeping is a chore? Why'd you wake me up then?" Demare asked, tilting his head.

Seb chuckled a bit. "No, not sleeping, sweeping. You use a broom to get rid of dust and stuff from the floor. You also put away everything on the floor that shouldn't be on the floor, resulting in, what would you know, a clean floor." 

"Why clean the floor if your feet just make it dirty again?" Demare tilted his head in the other direction.

"Because a dirty floor makes your feet dirty."

"But.. they were already dirty??" 

"Yeah, but they'll just get dirtier. Then the bottom of your feet turn black and it also just doesn't feel too nice."

"Does it kill you to have black feet?"

"No, technically not, not in this case at least. But if your floor's that dirty then that means you'll probably get sick, and that can kill you." 


"Yeah, sick. There's a lot of germs in dirt that can make you sick. That's why you clean the floor."

"No, what does that mean?" 

"Oh, um.. basically, there's something attacking your body, something so small you can't even see it. What happens wildly depends on what kind of illness you get, but a lot of the time you can get a fever, that's when you feel really hot for no reason, you'll be really sleepy, you might throw up, and left untreated, if it's a bad disease, you could die. Wolves have diseases and stuff; do you know what I'm talking about?" 

"No.. I don't thin..." Demare started, racking his brain a bit when an unpleasant memory suddenly worked it's way into his thoughts. Just memories of pups dying of disease yk yk
"Oh... I-I do.." He unfortunately realized, a tear escaping his eye.

"...Are you okay?" Seb asked, a bit concerned since y'know dude just started crying that's concerning.

"Hm? Oh, fine.. Uh, how do I clean the floor?" Demare asked, wiping his face dry.

"Here, I'll show you." Seb told him, still concerned but he wasn't gonna pry.

Seb spent the next hour or two showing Demare how to use the broom and answering all the questions he had about it, which were noticeably less then he would normally ask. Still, he seemed to get the hang of it eventually.

After showing him general locations of where things go, Seb headed outside to work on some outdoor chores, assuming Demare would come and tell him when he thought he was done.

He didn't think about it until around noon, figuring it was about lunch time.

Sebastian walked into his house finding the floor cleaner then it had ever been, with Demare still sweeping small bits of floor.

"Woah! Didn't expect you to go overboard." He chuckled, "This is a really good job, you can stop now." 

"It's clean enough that no one will get sick, right?" Demare asked, his voice sounding weaker then usual.

"Wha- yeah, it's more then clean enough. Did you mop or something?" Seb asked, honestly somewhat baffled wondering how he got it that clean. 

"I don't know... I put some water and soap on the floor and kept sweeping.. Is that mop?" 

"Uh, yeah, that's kinda what mopping would be. There's another tool that's better then a broom to do it with, but we can worry about that tomorrow, alright?"

"Okay.. You're sure no one will get sick?" 

"Yeah... Why don't I make us lunch and then you can tell me why you're so worried about this. Something seems to be upsetting you."



hey kera here sorry this took a while to get out, i dont really have an excuse bc there was plenty of times i couldve worked on this and just didnt

if you want anything to blame blame my adhd ig

hopefully the next chapter wont take as long but no promises ok

alr cool thanks bye

just a dumb fairytale au for me and my friends ocsWhere stories live. Discover now