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   "THESE ARE some sweet digs, How'd you swing your own single," He asked Wednesday "Former roommate had some problems with Claire,"

"Mmm," He hummed while I flipped through the pages "Here it is, Faulkner describes Hydes as an artist by nature but equally indicative in temperament. Bron of mutation, Hyde lays dormant until unleashed by a traumatic event"

"Or unlocked through chemical inducement or hypnosis, This act causes the Hyde to develop immediate blood with its liberator who the creature now sees as its master, It becomes the willing instrument of whatever nefarious agenda this new master might propose"

"Anyone willing to unlock a Hyde is a next-level sicko" Uncle fester said "That means we're not looking for one killer, We're looking for two. the monster and its master" I nodded, and suddenly footsteps were heard coming up the stairs, I jumped out of my seat running around with the book In my hand panicking.

Handing it to Wednesday she puts it in the drawer then walked to the door opens it and reveals to Mrs. Thornhill "Oh, I didn't mean to startle you" turning around I checked if uncle fester was still there. Gone.

"I was just working on my novel" Wednesday covered up "Enid, Has requested to room with Yoko the rest of the school year" She turned to me, Wednesday sighed and went back to her seat leaving me with the teacher.

"She did?" I lowered my tone, "When there's a falling out I like to get both girl's perspectives on what happened" The teacher continued "You two seem as thick as thieves"

"Ultimately thieves turn on each other I've seen it with my own eyes" I walked towards her tower of stuffed animals "Deflect all you want, But you and I both know that you care about Enid. And you have to admit she managed to bring out a spark of warmth in you" I turned to her.

"Oh, don't worry. Just a tiny spark nearly perceptible to the average mind but... I've noticed" She replied "Part of the dorm room experience is making friends with people that you wouldn't normally connect with" Friends? that's funny.

"And those friendships often turn into lifelong bonds" She continued "I would rather buy a rope" I replied "Is it really that difficult for you to admit you made a friend? and now that you're gone you might actually miss her?"

"I'll survive with my sister, Just the two of us. It always has been like that" She shook her head "Well If that's your decision I'll submit the forms to principal Weems" 

I do admit my heart tugged a little when she said that, but what could I do? I just know if I did postpone it, It would make me seem desperate.

I walked to Wednesday holding on to the hem of my shirt, "Uncle Fester?" I asked a sudden squeaky noise made me turn back "Get out of there Uncle Fester"

"Hey! being a solo Lobo has its perks, You live on your own with your own rules and do whatever you want. Just look at me" He laughed making me regret everything I said walking towards the door I was ready to ruin my dignity.


Hiding behind the bushes I watched as Wednesday talked to Xavier distracting him just for Uncle Fester to place a tracker on his bike, they both came back hiding behind the trees "Did you place the tracker?"

he nodded giving me a device "Don't worry, Your uncle Fester's got you covered" He said "Okay, Let's hit the road"


Pulling off the fabric it showed a sidecar with a seat that fitted two people, "Picked it up on my way out of town, you know I travel incognito" He grabbed two helmets for us, it had puppy ears on the side of it.

as we rode through the road I wanted to laugh at how funny my sister looked, She signed for him to go left and the vehicle stopped.

getting off we hid behind a tree watching him get into the car of our therapist, I lowered my binoculars in surprise. 


ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now