Flashing Lights

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The constant gleam of the flashing lights and the room filled with voices went wild in Lolita's mind, and the bright stage lights had just started to dance. Suddenly a sharpness was felt in her back, she didn't even wince. She fluttered back to life. The voices and the lights became clear and vivid, the stage lights no longer danced. Reporters talk over each other calling her name, she looks down and smiles at the red carpet beneath her and realizes that this isn't necessarily the place to wonder in her mind.

"Get with it. Now." Drew whispers into her ear through gritted teeth, he looks up to the reporters and smiles. Lolita swallows her spit.

"Lolita, what does it take to be Hollywood's top girl?" a reporter shoves a microphone in her face.

"Well, glamour and class of course." She smiles, her teeth perfectly white.

The next celebrity walks onto the carpet as Lolita and Drew walk off. Drew still has his hand on Lolitas back, a small red splotch forming on the back of her givenchy white gold sequin dress. Drew snickers and rolls his eyes, he starts for Lolitas dressing room, and he makes sure to lock the door behind them.

"God you are FUCKING EMBARESSING "Hollywood's top girl" my ass. You might be right now, but wait until they learn what a fucking drugged up slut you are." Lolita just sits in the vanity chair staring blankly at Drew. "Look what you made me do to you baby," he lets out a scoff of disgust. "Get changed out of that dress, and do it NOW. The awards are going to start soon, and I want my award sooner than later." he tosses a pocket knife he had hidden in his sleeve to the floor, blood splatters off of it onto the white marble tile of the dressing room.

He walks to the bathroom and starts to run the sink, cleaning him of his guilt. Lolita just stares at herself in the vanity mirror, a tear slips and she wipes it, before Drew can see it, the last time he saw her cry it was a total shitshow, sunglasses were her best friend after that. A knock came at the door and Drew ran from the bathroom, hands still wet. He opens the door only enough to see his washed out blue eyes, his pupils dilated like he just looked into the sun. It's just Carmita, Lolitas stylist. Carmita was a whopping 4'11 and her brown hair always pulled into the same ponytail. Drew lets her in but locks the door behind her. He sat down on the couch, his eyes watchful like a hawk, this makes Carmita feel uneasy, she starts biting the inside of her lips. She looks at Lolita, staring blankly at herself in the mirror. Before she could say anything about the blood on her back, Drew speaks up

"Carmita, get her changed out of that dress. Stupid clutz tripped in to a corner." He brings a cigarette to his lips and lights it.

Lolita slips out of her dress to reveal her white lingerie underwear, classy girls like her were never to be caught in normal underwear. She sits back at the vanity chair and clears her throat. Carmita starts to clean Lolita's small cut, brazing over the other scars on her back with the alcohol wipe.She should be feeling a sting, but it's just numb. She bandages her up and brings out a baby blue mermaid dress, silver heels, white gloves and a white boa. Lolita changes into her new appearance. Carmita tweaks a couple of curls in Lolitas copper red hair, then precisely places a dark red lipstick on her lips, her top lip a little more plump than the bottom. It's like Carmita forgets Drew is even in the room, Lolita wishes she could do that, but all she can feel right now is the burn of Drews stare on the back of her neck.

"You look beautiful Lolita, a true belle." She smiles at her work.

"You're so sweet Carmita, I wish-" Drew cuts Lolita off and she jumps a little.

"Enough Carmita. Thanks for fixing this mess." Carmita looks at the marble floor and begins to walk, but before she can get out the door Drew snaps at her. "And burn that dress, thanks." Carmita picks the dress up off the couch and leaves, just as sudden as she came.

Lolita sees Drew appear behind her in the mirror, their eyes locked in the reflection of the mirror. He grabs her shoulders just a little too firm. "Now, let's stop making messes, remember to stay awake out there darling, DON'T embarrass me. They may love you now, but soon they will love me more." Lolita feels a bit of rage inside her, it is all disappointment in herself.

" We shouldn't be together, Drew. You're no good for me, and quite frankly you're an asshole. Hollywood will never love your shitty acting, and I lied when I said I believe you have a chance." Lolita lets a smirk appear, Drew spins the chair around as fast as it appears, and slaps her, hard, across the face, and a mark is already forming. Whatever power Lolita felt is fading fast.His hands are on her shoulders now and he's shaking her.

"DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN, YOU ARE NOTHING, AND REMEMBER IT." His outburst ended. "Now cover up with some makeup, gorgeous." Lolita picks up some cover up and starts to pat it on her face where the red is spreading. Drew pours some white powder into a glass of champagne and hands it to her.

"Here, to cure your bravery, seems the tranq started to wear off, wouldn't want that now would we." Lolita sips from the glass holding back tears, and soon enough her body is moving, but in her mind is a dark and blank space.

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