EIGHT. ᴬ ᴹᵘʳᵈᵉʳ ᵒᶠ ᵂᵒᵉˢ

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RUNNING THROUGH THE Woods I realized how late I was, I pushed open the door showing the members almost half gone with Wednesday standing there with a taser torturing Tyler.

"Now this is more like it," I said to myself, after a few minutes of torturing he wouldn't say anything nor transform.

"Who kinbott or should I say Laurel gates, Using you for," She asked "Wednesday please" He muttered back "Tyler, the body parts in the basement what was she collecting them for?" He stared at her with watery eyes.

"I don't understand why are you doing this?" I turned around grabbing a hammer "Let's test your reflexes" But before I could do anything I was stopped by his father kicking the door down.

"I'm IN HERE" I wailed "GET AWAY FROM MY SON, DROP IT" I sighed throwing it down to the floor.


In the station I sat down outside as my sister talked with the sheriff, Not longer Tyler showed up in front of me "What does it feel like" 

"What does what feel like" I answered back "What does it feel like, To lose" A smile was plastered on his face which made me sick "You know at first, I'd wake up naked"

"Covered in blood" He took a closer step towards me "No idea what happened, But over time  I started to remember everything, the sound of their screams the panic in their eyes, and fear so primal I could taste it"

"And it was delicious" He looked so weird standing there, He pulled me in whispering into my ear "You have no idea what's coming," he told me as my sister came outside telling him to back off.


I walked into the police station while Wednesday was talking to Principle Weems, "Xavier, I'm not sure how much time we have left. Thing distracted the Guards and is looping the cameras"

"What are you doing here?" He asked "I know you're not the Hyde," I said knowing that It was too late "Tyler's the Hyde" He shook his head "How do you know"

"My sister kissed him and got a vision" His face changed "I'm glad you were getting some action while I was falsely accused" he sounded quite hurt "You ruined my life"

"You're toxic, Claire. all you ever do is make things worse" I took the paper out of my bag telling him what happened but he stopped me "I don't care, You wanna stop this? then leave" 

I blinked in confusion, I was trying to save him and he says no. "alright"


Going back to my dorm I started packing my stuff while Enid stared at me with pity, "I can't believe I'm going to miss your lifeless eyes waking me up in the morning" She said. "We just made up too"

"So I assume you'll be moving in with Yoko leaving me in the past" there was a tear dropped on her cheek as Wednesday said that "Not ever, What about you?" She turned to me.

"Enid, The mark you left on me is indelible...Quite literally" I touched my neck as she smiled "anytime I see a sight of a rainbow and hear a pop song that makes my ears bleed. I'll think of you"

"Thanks, I guess" Turning around I stared at Wednesday hoping for her to say something to the poor girl "we always believed relying on other people to be a sign of weakness, That inevitably they would lead us to disappointment"

She continued saying while I packed up our stuff including her typewriter, "Turn's out we've been the disappointment"

"Are you kidding me" She took a step forward "I've learned so much from you two, Part of it is admittingly criminal behavior but...Most people spend their entire lives pretending to give zero effs, And you literally never had an eff to give"

I almost laughed at the way she said it "Any chance you've got some sort of sneaky plan to elude Weems" She asked "Xavier's right "This prophecy cannot come true if we aren't here" I showed her the drawing.

"But it kills me to leave when Tyler is still walking around free" Wednesday muttered "If he tried anything," Enid closed the paper giving it to me purposely touching my arm "We have a school full for Gorgons, Vampires, And werewolves. ready and waiting"

"We've got this, I promise. On a good note I got a text from Eugene's mom he woke up last night" and my sister's eyes brightened "Maybe Weems will let you drop by on your way to the station" After that, I heard Thing snap his fingers.

"I think we're all set" I smiled at Enid, as she turned to Thing "I'm going to miss about makeup tutorials and you better keep sending me moisturizing tips" he put himself in a first and fist-bumped Enid, "Stay In touch okay?"

Picking up my Bag Enid came up to Wednesday trying to hug her but was rejected, "Right, not hugging is kinda our thing" She turned to me smiling sheepishly, Walking up to me I felt her cup my jaw pulling me in for a kiss. 

I tried resisting cause my sister was here but eh, It is our last day here. I sighed before pulling back to the disgusted look on Wednesday's face "You both make me wanna hurl, Go eat each other's face somewhere else" She said before turning around.

"Talking about eating each other's face, Do you mind if she stays for a little while later?" she stopped Wednesday as I gave her a silent begging look. "Do whatever"


walking into the halls we were met with Bianca standing there "The plan wasn't to get you expelled sorry" 

"Nightshades needs to be ready for what's coming, or a lot of people are going to die," I told them as they looked at each other concerned, suddenly Mrs. Thornhill appeared out of no where holding a pot of white oleander. "I'm so glad I caught you,"

"I was Weeding my wolfsbane and I just completely lost track of time" She hurried still out of breath.

"This is a parting gift" She gave the flower to my sister "White oleander, one of nature's deadliest" "It also symbolizes destiny and renewal"

"You're both very talented, I can't wait to see what you do next" She smiled "Girls," A voice came from behind, "This time I'm personally escorting you to your train"

"I have two final favors," I said.


YALL AINT READY FOR THE SMUT ONG, last decision depends on yall smut or nah?...enid tops?

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now