Chapter 1- The boy in the back

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A/N: This will probably switch POV's a lot. Sometimes Taka. Sometimes Mondo. Sometimes even Chihiro.

Taka's Pov:
I was walking to class in the corridor with my good friend Chihiro. He was talking about how he was finally going to start dressing like the boy he is. It was a new school year. I know a lot of people say new year new me but I won't change at all. Imagine someone like me breaking a rule. I would never at all. Sometimes I wonder what it would feel like though. To have that minuscule amount of freedom.

My next class was Maths today. I like maths. There's always one clear answer and not multiple ways to do it. Class 301. I had this class a few years back where I got an A+.
"Mr Ishimaru you're ten minutes early. As usual. Go sit in the back and read a book or whatever you kids do these days" Miss Takahashi sighed.
She didn't like me because I was always early. In my opinion it's better to be early.Then you're never late.
"Yes Miss!"
Chihiro had Science this period so I sat there by myself. Sooner or later more students started coming in. None of them wanted to sit next to me though. The bell rang.

Then the last student came in. Mondo Owada.
"Mr Owada you're late." Miss Takahashi commanded.
"Well what am I gonna do about it? Turn back time?" He complained.
Everyone in school knew who he was. A gang leader of many across Japan. If you said the wrong words to him he would beat you up. I'm not scared of him though. I think this gang thing is mere child's play or an act. He's probably a good person underneath that hard exterior. I have talked to him before mainly telling him off for rudeness.

"Go sit next to Ishimaru im sure he'll keep you under control" Miss had said. He hunched his muscular body over with his hands in his pockets and walked to the seat next to me. He placed his bag down next to mine and slumped himself into a chair.

"It's nice to have you as a partner! I hope we will get along this year!" I smiled. I really try to be friends with everyone. They often don't feel the same way.
"You keep thinking that. I'm pretty shitty at math anyways. I've never gotten it." Mondo complained to me.

"Well I tutor in my free time. I could teach you if you like? It would be once a week for about an hour but more if you wanted it."
He turned to me with an unsure look. I guess we had the same thought. That we should just stay separated. Our kinds don't mix. I'm the law abider and he's the law breaker.

"I don't know man. I'm horrible at math. And anyways there's gotta be some sorta catch like it costs too much."
"No I do it for free. I don't see why people should have to pay to get the help they need. All you have to do is pay attention and give me some of your time each week." I smiled again. Smiles work well.

"Fine. I'll try it out one week you idiot. But I assure you I am a lost cause." He sighed.
"I don't believe anyone is a lost cause. And especially not you. You're not like other people I've met."
"Other people? What's that meant to mean you dumbass?"
"I don't really know myself. There's just something about you." I confessed
"Oh yeah am I that fabulous you've fallen in love with me?"
He said slicking his hair back with his hands. I have to admit I blushed a little bit.
"Hahaha. In your dreams! Like you could get someone as orderly as me!"
"Oh I could get anyone I want thank you very much. I am god's favourite in terms of looks. Though I'm Satan's favourite in everything else."
"I'm god's favourite in abiding rules and the average gods favourite in looks."
"Nah you're pretty hot if I do say so myself. Not many nerds have muscles like you do." My face turned red
"Did you fucking stutter. You look like a tomato! You really do love me!" He laughed. "Here's my number. I'll give you a ride to my place later if you want so we can try out this tutor thing. Sorry my house is a bit of a wreck. It's only me and my brother. I don't know if he'll be there or not." He handed me a torn out piece of paper
"I look forward to meeting him. And yeah I'll go for that ride on your "epic motorcycle""
"Excuse me my ¥500000 motorcycle is not epic! It's magnificent. I'm not second in command of almost every biker gang in Japan for nothing!"
"That's pretty impressive. But not as impressive when I got voted best behaved student in the entire prefecture. For five years in a row." I bragged. All the certificates hang in our living room.
"I now pronounce you king of all nerds." Mondo mimicked handing me a crown.
"Thank you Lord Motorcycle, ruler of almost every motorcycle clan."
"Hey it's always good to keep some rivals. They keep you on your toes. See it like a debate. It's no fun if everyone agrees"
"Wait that actually makes sense"
"Hey I may be stupid but I'm not dumb. Anyways should we meet outside my locker. It's number 204."
"Yeah that sounds good"

We continued talking and laughing for the rest of the lesson. I even got told off by Miss Takahashi for talking too loud.
It was fun. I felt free for the first time in a long time. I could get used to this feeling

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