Chapter 3- Found myself a new friend.

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Mondo's Pov

My brother and my crush stood in the kitchen together.
"Alright. Let's get going before you end up tutoring them instead." I complained. Ishimaru looked pleased at this. He picked up his black backpack.

"Please show me to your room. Then we can get to making you not so terrible at math. That was a joke. Even I make jokes sometimes too! I'm sure you'll be great!" He smiled. His smile had the force of a thousand sunshines. Ishimaru was too pure for this world.

"Come on it's this way." I walked up the creaky stairs. We should probably get them fixed. Ishimaru followed me up there.

We walked down the hallway to my hellhole.
"Gimme like two minutes to clean. I wasn't expecting guests much less the president of the student council. Though I don't think they hand out gold stars for tidy rooms." I asked.

"Of course. Scientific studies have also shown that clean rooms help you work better. Clean room equals clear mind."
He stated. Jesus this guy is a nerd.
Ishimaru walked over to the stairs and sat down. He took out a book longer than my life expectancy.

I quickly threw blood stained clothes into random draws and piles of socks into the corner. I threw old takeaway cups into the trash. I tried to make my bed look as nice as possible and I stuffed my flags under my bed only leaving my gangs crest and some family pictures on my wall. I organised my desk to look appropriate for studying and put out all the books I owned onto it to make me look smarter than I am.
By the end of it my carpet only had a few patches of red, the bed looked orderly and I didn't look like a complete psychopath.

"Hey you can come in now. It's not too much of a hellhole anymore now it's only like Florida level." I half-yelled.
I heard a book close and shoes walk on the creaky tiles.

"Coming!" Ishimaru cried. He stood in the doorframe while I stood awkwardly in my room. I saw my trans flag sticking out from under the bed and quickly kicked it with my foot.

"So whatcha gonna do? Use hypnosis to get me good at math? I know a guy who said he could do that if I gave him a hundred thousand yen. I did but nothing happened. Only put a few more bills in the pocket of a scammer." I said. I think the guy said his name was hagakure or some shit.

"No no! Nothing like that. Only hard work and consistency truly pays off. I study every night and I have never gotten a grade below B." Ishimaru retorted. "Now we shall go over what we learned today in math. Pythagoras Thereom. Now what can you tell me about that?"

Shit. I was so caught up in sitting next to him and talking to him that nothing sank in. There was something with triangles. I know that. Then Ishimaru's pretty smile. His laugh. Wait that's not math.

"Ummmm there was some shit with triangles and length." I answered confused.

"Not the exact answer I was hoping for but an answer none the less! So you have to add the smaller sides....." I tried to concentrate but I got lost in his eyes. They were pure crimson and filled with an indescribable energy. Suddenly a voice snapped me out of my haze.

"Hey Mondo? Are you concentrating? If this technique isn't working we can try something else. Okay imagine you are riding on your bike and there's a traffic cone in your way. You need to jump over it so that you don't crash. And you need to find out the hypotenuse also known as the long side so you know how high up to jump. You would us the square of the perpendicular and the base to work out the square of the hypotenuse. Then find the root and that's your answer. So A squared times B squared equals C squared. Did that make sense?" Ishimaru looked at me with an anxious hope on his face.

Holy shit that actually made it click. What sorta tricks does this magic man do. I swear he is using hypnosis.
"Wait that actually makes sense. You're really fucking good at this Ishimaru. Not even my bro can make it click for me and he is pretty much the same as me." I smiled.

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