Wrong Turn (2003)

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Wrong Turn is a 2003 slasher film directed by Rob Schmidt and written by Alan B

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Wrong Turn is a 2003 slasher film directed by Rob Schmidt and written by Alan B. McElroy. The film stars Desmond Harrington, Eliza Dushku, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Jeremy Sisto, Kevin Zegers, and Lindy Booth. The film follows a group of six individuals being stalked by a cannibalist family in the woods.
- Wikipedia

This movie would always be special in my heart, and I really mean it. I remember the first time watching this when I was still in high school, and boy, how truly blown I was! My heart was beating like a drum the entire time until the end. I didn't expect this movie to be so scary and disturbing as hell. A million thanks to that girl classmate of mine who suggested this movie to me.

Imagine yourself being lost in the woods and being hunted down by three cannibalistic mountain men grossly disfigured through generations of in-breeding. If that isn't scary enough for you, I don't know what will. It sure is to me. Gave me a couple of sleepless nights.

This movie made me scared to go camping in the woods. Woods and forests are dangerous places to be. We don't know what's actually lurking behind those bushes and tall trees.

The movie begun with Chris, a handsome businessman, who was driving his car on a long main road in West Virginia. He was already late to his appointment and to make matters worse, he was caught up in a heavy traffic (due to an oil-spillage caused by an overturned truck ahead.) Chris finally decided to find a detour or a short cut to his destination, thus, taking a "wrong turn" as he did so.

Anyway, I like the different personalities of the six characters portrayed in this movie.

Here we have Chris, who seemed like a real nice guy and good-looking, too. Also a gentleman and always calculative to everything he did (except for the car crash, though. He happened to be searching under the dashboard before the crash. It always mystifies me why anyone would do such reckless act while driving swiftly on a dirt road.)

Jessie was a serious-looking girl who at first seemed to be cynical toward Chris, but gradually softened when she saw how polite as well as courageous he was. And she was gorgeous, too. Honestly, they both have chemistry. They could be a lovely couple, in this movie and in real life. Unfortunately, we would never know if they ended up being together in the story. They did not even reprise their roles in the succeeding sequels. Sad.

Scott, without a doubt was the hero of the story. He was really kind on Chris. Quickly walked toward him seconds after the crash and asked if he was alright. His bike had been broken but instead even politely made a joke out of it. "You killed my bike." I love this guy. And he had no hesitation at all to save his girlfriend and the other. When Chris was shot in the leg, Scott quickly showed himself up to catch the attention of the three cannibals. He succeeded, but sadly, his heroic act costed him his own life.

Carly also was so pretty in this movie, and very kind to Chris, too. I loved the performance of the actress herself who played the character. It was so believable, like she truly was in loved with Scott, and when Scott died, she had the look of a extremely depressed girl who just lost a loved one. We could really see her hopelessness and lack of will to survive. Truly, her acting was superb.

Evan and Francine? They didn't have much to offer in this movie except be harsh on Chris and be killed by the cannibals. Anyway, I think she didn't really love Evan because when he told her he loves her, what did she say? A simple "I know" with a little smirk on her face. And she even lied to Evan about the power bars and the disks. Selfish bitch. Honestly, I couldn't care for them. Not one bit. I didn't like them to begin with.

The three cannibals were truly scary: Saw Tooth, One Eye, and Three Finger. They remind me of the Orcs in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I was terrified at them back in my younger years, and I'm still is to these days.

Scott's death was truly saddening. He was a real hero. But just to insert a little bit of humour in this tragedy, I somehow think Carly was partly to be blamed for his death. If only she just controlled her emotion and not screamed his name, Saw Tooth would have never known where Scott was. She unwittingly alerted the cannibals of his whereabout. But then again, Saw Tooth should not have been able to shoot an arrow at Scott, let alone three. Why? Because, physics! It would have been very hard for Saw Tooth to aim at Scott, who was actually running pretty fast, and was almost protected (covered) by those countless trees. Who was Saw Tooth, anyway? A relative of Legolas?

Running away from the cannibals, Chris, Jessie, and Carly found a seemingly abandoned watch tower in the middle of the woods, and climbed the tower so they could use it as their hiding place. I thought they would be safe up there, but I was so wrong. The cannibals conveniently happened to walk pass the watch tower (of all the possible place they could be) obviously in search for the trio. Seriously, they were in a big place but still, I guess small world, eh? Anyways, when the cannibals found out they were hiding up in there (thanks to that prehistoric-looking radio), Three Finger tried to flung the trap door open, but Chris obligued by gladly crushing the ugly cannibal's fingers (ouch!) The cannibals then decided to set the watch tower on fire, and honestly, that was definitely a very smart move on their part: they could actually kill them and at the same time roast them for a nice midnight snack later. Could save their time, really. Carly suggested they jump off the tower. Chris quickly agreed, but Jessie was reluctant at first, saying,  "We're 20-feet high!" Really, Jessie? That watch tower did look more like two hundred feet higher to me. But I guess that "goof" in the script could be forgiven. No movie's perfect, after all.

I also find it funny that Chris and Jessie seemingly shared a bad dream. Remember when they were hiding behind a waterfall? Jessie dreamed she was about to be axed by one of the gruesome cannibals, and when she woke up, we saw Chris did the exact same thing, as if he had also seen what she saw in her dream. Funny but I also find it sweet in a way, because it just reinforced my belief that they have chemistry. They shared the same dream because they were one in heart and soul. They were destined to be together.

Why was it that those cannibals were very hard to kill? Three Finger was pushed off the tree (a goddamn tall tree) and yet he still survived with hardly a scratch on his smelly body whatsoever. After the fall, we could see him searching the woods together with one of his brother. And where was the other one? Was it a goof? It would have been much better if they showed only Saw Tooth and One Eye, and make us believe that Three Finger was paralyzed or at last dead. That would have been a perfect revelation in the Third Act, when he showed up in their cabin, revealing he was still alive and kicking (literally). When he kicked Jessie and giggled, I almost busted my stomach from laughing so hard. Really, that dude was a badass. A homicidal child in a grown ass man's body.

Saw Tooth had been stabbed in the chest by Chris and shot in the nape by Jessie (using an arrow), and still it could move and was even trying to get up from the pool of its own blood. The same way with One Eye who had been runned down by the police car, and Three Finger with the bloody axe still jutting from his neck. I thought they were just cannibals. Never thought they were zombies, too. Lol!

The cinematography and lightings of this movie were excellent. We can still clearly see the characters despite the fact that they were being chased at night in a dense woods.

In the post-credit scene, Three Finger miraculously survived his wounds and the explosion and was able to kill a cop who responded from the call made yesternight by Chris and friends. That scene was so terrifying, and absolutely a very effective way to hint a possible sequels, but honestly, I do think this masterpiece doesn't need a sequels, but then again, this is just my opinion. But they could have at least made the original actors (Harrington and Dushku) reprise their roles. I really do want to know what happened to Chris and Jessie afterward.

Overall, this movie is a great watch if you want something intense and bloody gore. The dialogues were slightly mediocre, but they could be forgiven. I love this movie. And no matter how many sequels this movie spawned, they would never beat the original.

1) Don't go camping or hiking in the woods, especially in West Virginia.
2) When an ugly cannibal is trying to shoot you, always run in zigzag.
3) Always be positive and happy like Three Finger.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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