Chapter 1: I'm still broken

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"Whoever told you to read this.... Well, they are either a [Female dog] or a ghost.... RUN! THE AUTHOR IS A GHOST AND A [Female dog]" Memories or thoughts

"Jesus loves me- C'mon! You know the words!" Shouting

"HaveyouacceptedJesusasyourlordandsavior?" Talking

Aia p.o.v

He did nothing wrong!

Your wrong! No! Y/n!

I woke up in cold sweat. I haven't been getting a nice sleep around lately... something about this month is the worst.

For starters: I am fully booked so that is [Poop]

But the real truth is.... My very first friend.... And I admit.... My crush

Was casted out of heaven around this month. He did nothing wrong and yet he was still punished for doing something he did not do.

Sure I maybe a delinquent but his always by my side, never afraid to step in to save me or be my friend. So why....

"This sucks!"

I said as I sit up and look at the time. It was still early.... Actually its like 10 am but in my eyes, I am still tired. I sighed as I look over at my desk and grab my glasses to which I accidentally drop a framed photo

"[Poop], Ugh"

I put on my glasses as I get up and reach for the photo. The photo is a picture of me and Y/n, sitting in the park's bench as we both have Y/n's divine sandwich as our lunch. I can't get enough of it and I would kill to have Y/n's cooking again.

Its so good! No food in this earth can compare to Y/n's cooking.

I sigh

"Over and over again, I keep thinking of that idiot... wherever you are... please tell me you are alright."

I then heard my phone buzz as I picked it up and heard one of my group members


This person is Kyo Kaneko. A first year along with another girl, Maria Marionette. We came from the nijisanji en 6th wave, Iluna.

Ironic thing about Kyo is that his first quote before debuting was "Chaos? I call it fun" and yet, we are the ones causing the chaos

We basically are another group that helps keep the company/branch alive.

"Yeah, yeah. I will be there!"

I said as I close the phone and went to prepare for the collab stream

Third person's p.o.v

Kyo sighs as he leans back into his chair. From his computer, a voice was heard

"What did she say?"

Another male voice was heard, however its a bit higher than Kyo. Its the third year, Ren Zotto. The alien prince who got bored of killing and decide to be a streamer

"... no Ren, I was talking to myself."

"Lets give her a bit of a break."

Another male voice was heard once again but its softer than Ren and Kyo. This is the second year, Aster Arcadia. The same year as Aia

"But Aster! She is acting differently!"

This time a female voice was heard as it was higher than the three males voice. Its the first year like Kyo, Maria Marionette. A doll that came to life and grew to become a life size human... kinda scary

"She has.... Yeah. I guess something is on her mind."

Aster deducted as he sighs.

"What is on her mind then?"

Kyo asked as he stretches his arms. The other three are thinking before Aia appeared and they went on with their collab together.... Which is gang beast

However somewhere in the forest

A male figure sitting on a tree as he looks over the city in the distance. The male figure has a f/c hair and is wearing a f/c long short sleeve coat, along with white shirt and  a blue tattered jean and f/b (Favorite brand) of shoes

He sighs as he gets up

"Well.... What do you have for me Japan"

The male said as he stands up and then in the blink of an eye, wings appeared on his back as feathers pop out of it. The wings itself is unique as the left side reveals a very bright white color while the right side reveals a pitch black color

"Lets hope this time, my life can be different."

Judging by the tone of the voice... he sounds broken. As if, he has been through alot

This angel, is the fallen angel. As well as the weeping angel

One of the few angels to fall from grace but the first that became unhappy with their own previous life. As if they never found any happiness in their life

"Here goes nothing."

The male figure said as he took off and he flew straight into the city called, Tokyo

How will his life go? Who is this ma- oh who cares. You already know who it is

But will his life be any different?

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