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*warning mature content*

    IT WAS ALREADY getting dark at this point, wrapping her arms around my neck she started tracing circles on it.

my mouth was tired at this point, I'm pretty sure it was hella swollen too, She groaned as I  tempt her mouth open tasting a familiar taste of cinnamon and a hint of sweetness.

The girl shifted under me as I straddled her lap, the only thing I could focus on was the sound of my heart hammering and the soft moans, Grunts of the girl under me.

Letting my fingers roam I toyed with the hem of her skirt purposely dragging my hand along the side of her thigh.

She hummed into the kiss screwing her eyes shut before breaking it off, "Can't resist me huh?" She smiled "you're real funny," I said attempting to get off her lap but was stopped by her pulling me in by my collar.

"You look good on top" She tilted her head to the side brushing her lips against mine "But you have to admit," 

Enid pushed me down using her hips to separate my legs allowing them to wrap around her waist, "You'd look better down here"

"wait but you-" I was interpreted by the girl laughing "You're so funny"

I felt her hand traveling up the side of my thigh before she leaned back in smiling against my lips.  feeling the sudden contact on my inner thigh my body tensed, 

She laughed moving her hand higher, Breathing rapidly the sudden touch made a gasp escape my mouth before covering it not wanting to make a sound. I seriously never done this, Let alone someone doing it to me.

A couple of deep breaths later I laid my head on her shoulder, It was so hot in this room "You alright?" I hummed back a response signaling for her to continue the pace, My hands trembled as I tried covering my mouth.

"You know, coving your mouth makes it no fun," She said, I could already tell she had a smug smile plastered on her face even though I can't see her. 

I raised my hips following the rhythm letting go of my mouth, I was surprised at what came out of my mouth, and I was even more surprised at where she learned this.

"faster" I managed to get out gripping her shoulder "Huh? I can't hear you"

"Kill yourself"

"Got it" her pace quickened suddenly almost making me snap, as I gasped for air. This girl was going to be the death of me.

As I bit onto her shoulder I felt a knot on my lower stomach, "Enid," I choked out "Enid, I'm so clos...-" I muttered against her skin that had bite marks on it. 

She girl stayed silent quickening her pace, I groaned digging my nails into her skin before feeling the knot on my lower stomach lose while I desperately gasped for air.

Enid pulled me back to look at me, A flash of pride on her face as she puts her thumb on the corner of my lip before kissing me.

Suddenly her phone rang leaving me sitting there still speechless, She has my legs trembling and she was answering her phone?

"hey Eugene, how are you?" She picked it up staring at her fingers while smiling at it, "Have you seen Wednesday?" "No, she left this afternoon didn't she swing by?"

"Liste, Principle Weems, and her went to confront ms. Thornhill But I haven't heard from either Claire Or Wednesday" he rushed to explain. 

 "Why would they confront Ms. Thornhill?" "Because she's behind everything that's happened, She's the bad guy... Bad woman, I- she's really a bad person"

"Okay Uh, Claire and I will go and check out the conservatory" I got off the bed almost tripping while doing so.

I held onto her shoulder keeping my balance while I waved at the phone "Hi Eugene, Glad to see you're okay"

"What's she doing in your room? I thought she left last afternoon." I shuffled uncomfortably under this sweater, Shit's uncomfy especially when you aren't wearing anything under it.

"Um..." The door swung open revealing Thing standing there while I tried to stand up on myself "Wha...?"

He started telling Enid what happened while she gasp in shock, "Principle Weems?" She covered her mouth, 

"Enid, Let's not touch your face just yet" I grabbed her arm "What about Weds?" I asked him watching him sign.

"Tyler and Thornhill took her?" I straightened my stance "Where? Crackstonescrypt? what the heck."

he signed something to her while she looked at him confused "Who are the Nightshades" thing pointed to me who was desperately trying to cover up, "I'll... I'll explain on the way" I groaned, "For now, I need to change"

"Here, just wear some shorts. I'll go wash my hand lets go," 


ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now