10 ~ One-night stand

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

"Ma'am I looked around for the driver but nobody was there. I don't know where he ended up, and now he is out of reach. I called the crew but–"

Meera stopped her rant in the middle and said,

"No need to panic. They are following my orders."

After dismissing the confused secretary Meera turned towards Kabir and her precious who were looking at her. She looked at Kiyaara and softly said,

"Isn't ice cream tastier after a bike ride?"

Kiyaara squealed in response and Meera offered her one of her brightest smiles. She looked at Kabir and said "Mr. Raichand, precious loves going on bike rides so I have arranged one for you. So I guess I leave the rest to you guys"

Kabir's excitement knew no bounds as he imagined himself, his wife, and his daughter enjoying the ice cream trip. He just gave a blank nod even though he was jumping inside. Meera looked at him and then at her watch.

"So then you must leave because I want precious back home before 9," She said and Kiyaara asked,

"You aren't coming Maa?"

"Nope! I need to attend to an emergency at the office, precious. Have fun and enjoy yourself. Tell your dad whatever you wish to have," she said, stroking the cheeks of her daughter softly. She innocently frowned and said "I am gonna miss you"

Meera laughed at her cute face and shook her head. It was just a matter of hours and her precious was behaving as if she was going away for a long time.

"Though I miss you every minute you aren't there with me but precious it's just a few hours. Come on, have fun and come back quickly" Meera winked at her daughter and she smiled.

"Okay, Maa, I'm gonna eat a lot of ice cream today," she said as she separated her hands as if she was carrying an imaginary box. Kabir admired his little one adoringly.

"As many as you wish," Meera said and indicated Kabir to move. He just nodded. He was disheartened that she wasn't accompanying them and confused regarding what emergency she was talking about. Was she lying because he as her assistant had no idea about it?

They quietly moved and he settled his angel on the sleek black beauty arranged for them. Kabir remembered riding his Ducati Diavel back home with Meera's hands tightly wrapped around his torso. He missed them being together. He missed their adventures. He yearned for her fragrance in the bungalow he called home. It was not his home anymore. His home is where she is.

He pulled Meera closer and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. His lips lingered there for a moment offering her all the warmth he had stored inside him for her all these years while his heart rejoiced at their proximity. He was filled with satisfaction after brief contact with her. He stepped back after relishing the moment while she looked at him expressionlessly. Though she was surprised by his move she did not say a word. Kiyaara smiled looking at them and Kabir settled beside his angel on the bike.

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