Leading the Charge Part 2

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The remaining people inside the city were causing a commotion due to their only exit being blocked by several individuals with a large sack of food. One of the many men in protest of this act was pushed aside, and had to be caught by one of his comrades in order to avoid falling.

"H-hey,you guys!" Began the man who held his friend.

"Don't you understand the situation we're in?" He asked in a tone of distress.

"We're only doing this because we understand!" Proclaimed a man in front of the food carriage. He was most likely the orchestrator,as his short stature, bald appearance and formal attire made him stand out amongst the individuals aiding him to try and push the food carriage through the small pathway.

"If you want to live, help push!" Ordered the man. The people were not impressed in the slightest by his words,as their resolve to protest only got stronger.

"That won't fit no matter how you push it!"

"Quit screwing around!"

"You should let the people through first!"

"The Titans will devour us all at this rate!"

Suddenly, amongst the crowd,a man began to push another who was dressed in the same clothes as Armin and his comrades to the forefront.

"What the hell are you doing,solider?" Said the man who pushed the solider forward.

"Arrest those men!" Said another beside him.

"B-but..." Began the soldier nervously.

"Just try it, flunky.I'm the boss of the company here."" Said the orchestrator with a cold glare directed towards the soldier. The soldier gasped in shock and immediately broke into a cold sweat.

"Uh,well..." He began weakly. The orchestrator walked up to him,now just mere inches apart from him. The soldier backed up a bit as the man looked up to him as he was shorter.

"Who do you think provides the meals you soilders shit out?" Began the man defiantly.

"Can you pay to feed all the soldiers in this town?" As he said this, the crowd immediately fell silent, shocked by his words.

"All of you,push!" He ordered.

"The goods here are worth more than what you could ever make in your petty lives!If you cooperate, you'll be rewarded!"

"That's about enough from you." Said a new voice from above the people. Just as all of them looked up at the same time, Jetray landed in front of the man and his carriage of goods. Almost immediately, the faces of the people contorted in fear and their murmurs began once more.

"What the hell is that thing?"

"Some of Titan spawn?"

"Must be a new breed,it can talk."

"Oh no, it's going to kill us all. We have to get out of here."

"And head back into the city? We die either way."

"Protect the children."

"Stay back you monster. I don't know what the hell you are, or what you want, but I'd rather die than let you get these goods." Said the man in a bid to come off as intimidating, but the subtle shaking of his legs said otherwise.

"What I am is not important. Why I'm here is." Said Jetray with a tone of defiance.

"And why exactly are you here?" Asked one of the men who was originally pushing the goods through the pathway.

"To make sure everyone here leaves this city safely." Said Jetray as he looked at the people around him.

"Did I just hear that right? Am I imagining things?"

Ben 10:In the World of Titans Remake (Original by Domino117)Where stories live. Discover now