46 - Weak No More

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- Jennyfer -

I flinched slightly when the heavy door slammed shut behind Lucas and Elena. I had lied about going to find Ginny, she was most likely asleep already. But now it was just Snape and I in a dead silence. I could feel his dark gaze on me, but didn't look up at him. My limbs seemed to refuse to move.

"I would recommend going to find Miss Weasley, Pines." The potions professor said, softer than usual. I just nodded and stood. My legs felt shaky but I refused to show it. When I had reached the door, the boy again came to my mind.

"Who was he?" I blurted, my hand still on the handle. "The boy. What was his name?" Snape remained quiet for a few seconds before responding.

"I believe his name was Asher Foghorn." 'Was'. A simple verb, but it changed the whole meaning of the sentence. I opened the door and stepped out, letting the door close behind me. I hadn't realized I had been holding my breath until I heavily released it.

Now what? I was lost. My first thought was to go back to the ball, but that was a definite no. The astronomy tower was also a no-brainer. My feet finally decided to walk to the washroom. I silently begged that it would be empty. Due to the eerie silence when I entered, I guessed that it was. I headed straight for the sink and splashed a handful of water onto my face, a few droplets landing on the porcelain sink and mirror above it. I also spent some time washing off the heavy makeup, since it was smudged and messy from tears and sweat.

My reflection looked at me in the reflective glass. Water beads hung from my thick lashes where stubborn traces of mascara still lingered. They looked like tears. Weak tears. Weak like me. My brows furrowed in anger. Why was I always so god damn weak. My mind felt as if it were constantly being beaten with a rod; pushed to its limit before recovering slightly then getting beat again and again. Just to the brink of being broken.

I glared harshly at the person in the mirror and clenched my teeth. I gathered my fury and pain into a scream and brought my fist down on the hideous reflection. Spiderweb-like cracks spread away from where my knuckles landed and a few shards became embedded in my flash, but I didn't bother to try and pick them out. Blood drops mixed with the water in the sink as well as sticking to the broken glass.

"What did that poor looking glass do to you?" The steely tone was too recognizable. I tensed but didn't turn, keeping my gaze on the tattered skin of my left knuckles.

"Why are you here, Rule?" My voice shook. The man quietly chuckled and his soft footsteps seemed to draw closer.

"Why do you believe I'm here,  Jason?" He seemed to taunt me. The name he used caught me off guard.

"I overheard one of the Weasley's talking about it. I respect names and pronouns, so don't act so surprised." He skimmed over the topic quickly, so I did too.

"Stop playing these damn games with me!" I snarled at him. He only ever seemed to speak in riddles. Rule laughed again, this time a bit louder.

"You are hilarious, Pinetree." I froze. How dare he use that nickname with me.

"Shut up." I struggled to keep my composure.

"Oh, what? Am I bothering you? Am I bringing back old memories?" He lingered on the last word. I snapped.

"I said shut up!" I shouted. His steps grew louder and closer until I felt his presence right behind me.

"Does my being here really bother you that much?" His hot breath whispered in my ear. The heavy scent of smoke and sage filled my nostrils, with the slightest metallic hint to it. Blood. I internally cringed. Did he always smell like that or was it just from Asher? I wasn't sure that I wanted to know.

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