39 - Hogsmede

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- Elena -

"Come on or we'll be late!" Hermione urged. I was half dressed and half awake and this girl is still rushing me. She woke me up at the crack of dawn (9am) on a Saturday to bring me to Hogsmeade because she didn't want to be alone with Ron. I asked about Harry but she cried about it "not being the same" because he's a boy. I agree honestly, I see where she's coming from so I agreed. It's a girl thing. Plus I need to get Harry a Christmas present with the holiday coming up so fast. I also want to grab something for Jen. I feel awful about our fight yesterday but I mean, how absurd! Eliott? He wouldn't do anything like that. His sole mission was to protect Harry Potter with the TCOL. Now Jen suggests he would do something as horrible as taking her finger? I hope we can get over this because  Jesus Christ. Has Jen lost her mind?

I tugged my thick corduroy sweater down over the back pockets of my jeans and slid my wand into the side pocket of the sweater. I then slid on my matching hat and I was off with Hermione down the steps of the 4th year Gryffindor girls dormitories.

"So, any plans for tonight? I'm looking for a study buddy due to that massive Herbology test we have coming up." I asked her. Hermione is the smartest person I know so it would do me some good to spend some time studying with her.

She hesitated before answering me. "No, not tonight. I'm busy. Sorry Elena."

"Oh. That's fine, don't worry, I can fly solo." I decided. Since when has Hermione ever said no to studying? Whatever she's doing it must be important because Hermione has never, and I mean never, said no to studying.

"Actually Elena, can your studying wait?" She asked.

I turned my head slightly to look at her. "I guess so, why?"
"There's a sleepover in the 5th year girls slytherin dormitory tonight and I'm inviting you. I'm not really good friends with any of them and Ginny just invited me because I helped her with her potions homework last week. I feel like I'll just kind of be there and not really do anything, you know? I'd like to have you there. To keep me company and to have fun." She offered nervously. 5th year Slytherin girls? Jen will be there. This is the perfect chance to apologize.

"I'll be there. How about we walk there together?" I smiled.

She nodded. "That sounds nice."

When we were merged into the large group of students on their way to the trail that wraps around the black lake to get to hogsmeade, I made my move. "See, I never took you for the sneaking out type Hermione Granger."

"ELENA MALFOY!" She slapped my arm. "Hush or I'll make you."

I laughed hysterically as Ron made his way over to us.

"What's so funny? It looked like you were bloody screaming from over there!" he laughed.

"Mind your business Ronald." Hermione hissed.

"Where's Harry?" I asked.

"Oh. Professor M snagged him. Something about a meeting with Dumbledor." He shrugged. A wave of disappointment washed over me. I was looking forward to seeing him.

"Oh jeez. I hope he's okay. Those meetings never end well." Hermione frowned.
"Me too." Ron shook his head.

Then someone blew past me, throwing my shoulder forward.

"What the hell mate?! Can't you see!" Ron hollered after the mystery person I couldn't find. A piece of paper was now in my hand. I quickly unwrapped it in case it's important.

Why are you never alone?

I glared down at the piece of paper and slid it into my pocket next to my wand. What kind of question is that? Why am I never alone? Gee sorry I have friends. More importantly, who sent this? I glanced around, scanning the heads around me for something or someone but no one stood out to me. So it was a hit and run (literally) huh? That's annoying:

We arrived at Hogsmeade and Ron immediately dragged Hermione and I into Honeydukes which was having a sale just for today. I didn't want anything really so I snagged a chocolate frog off the shelf and brought it to the register. The lady smiled at me, taking my coin and bidding me farewell.

"I'll find you guys later. I'm going to go get Harry's Christmas present." I explained and they gave me the okay.

I headed to the post office, kissing the letter for one for good luck and sliding it into the box. Harry adores the professor Lupin he had last year, and told me how upset he was that he didn't get to say goodbye and that he wonders how he is. I put all the things Harry told me into a letter and am now sending it straight to Professor Lupin himself. I really want to get Harry some closure, so here I am.

My next stop was the Hog's Head. I am in the mood for a butterbeer and somewhere warm in this cold weather. They don't make them as well as The Leaky Cauldron, but they're decent. I slid in through the door and let the warm mess engulf my senses. Not many people are here yet, probably out getting their christmas presents. I slid into an empty booth in the back of the store, ripping open my chocolate frog rapper and biting its head off.

"That was quite savage." Some said next to me. I jumped, turning to my left. There sat Lucas Snape in all his dark glory, smirking like he knew something I didn't.

Then I realized.

I picked the note out of my pocket and threw it into his butterbeer. "I hope that ruins the drink for you."

"Why so harsh?" He grinned.

"You shoved me."

"That was unexpected I swear. I didn't mean to." He laughed and I finished the rest of my frog.

"Sure whatever you say." I glared and began to slide out of the booth.

"Wait!" He grabbed my wrist. "I need to talk to you."

I groaned and sat back down. "Make it quick."

"Where else do you have to be?" He asked.

I began to get up again but he pulled me back down. "I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'm serious though, Elena. I had a dream last night. A weird dream." He dropped his voice to a whisper.

I scrunch my eyebrows together. "What happened?"

"It was a dark and stormy night." He shivered.

I put a hand on his shoulders. "Oh my god Lucas, are you okay?"

"And.." His voice cracked.

"Hey hey, it's okay I'm here." I put my soft comfort voice on.

"And you went to the Yule Ball with me." His eyes met mine, his smirk making my blood boil.

"Go to hell Snape." I slid out of the booth and began to walk away, sick of his bullshit. I can't believe I felt bad for him.

"Is that a yes?" he called back but I flipped him off and left the store.

Hermione and I walked up towards Ginny's dorm, both of us nervous. Hermione because she doesn't know anyone there, and Me because of Jen. Things have been ugly between Ginny and I ever since she told me I looked like a ferret. I have no intention of fixing them. I saved her life after she charged at me and she never even thanked me. I get it, she hates me, but she could at least thank me or apologize because there is no way I'm apologizing first.

I pushed open the door, barely conscious of how tight Hermione was squeezing my hand.

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