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The Desai.

Kumud Desai

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Kumud Desai. She is 24 years old. She is the eldest of two daughters from a modest family in a small village. Kumud has left her studies and helps out doing household chores and embroidery. She is a very kind girl and respect everyone. Love her parents and sister a lot.

Kusum Desai

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Kusum Desai. Kumud younger sister. She is 20 years old. She is a big naughty but love her parents and sister a lot. Like to annoyed her sister.

Menaka Desai- kumud and kusum mother. She love her two daughters a lot. She is a tailor.

Rajesh Desai- Kumud and kusum father. Love them so much. He is a farmer.

The Vyas

Saras vyas

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Saras vyas.  He is 27 years old. Saras in an auto-rickshaw driver. He is a simple guy. Saras lives with her two younger sisters. He is a depicted as a helpful guy who often help family to take their sick mother to the hospital. He is so kind too. Love his mother and sisters a lot.

Divya vyas

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Divya vyas. Saras second younger sister. She is 23 years old. She can do anything to see a smile on her brother face. Love her siblings a lot. Love her mother a lot.

Rhea Vyas

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Rhea Vyas. Saras and Divya younger sister. She is 20 years old. She is very naughty love to annoy her sibling. She also can do anything to see a smile on his brother face. Love her mother a lot.

Saraswati vyas- saras, Divya and Rhea mother.

Rudra Roy

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Rudra Roy. He is 28 years old. Rudra owns a textile shop. He  likes Kumud.

Hope you all will like this story

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Hope you all will like this story

This was requested by Jasminearun
She also gave me the plot for this story.
Hope you will like it.

Picture from Pinterest.

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