Bottomless Pit!

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Stan was driving the golf cart with his niblings and Soos on board. He came to a harsh stop by drifting the cart, making it's tires screech. The group hopped out of the cart as Stan explained to them why he had brought them there.

"In this land of ours, there are many great pits." He walked to a sign next to a huge hole "But none more bottomless than the bottomless pit. Which as you can see here is bottomless." Stan turned the sign for the others to see. "BOTTOMLESS PIT" Was written on the sign.

"Question. Is it bottomless?" Soos asked. Stan sighed in annoyance "Kids, can one of you try explaining this to Soos?"

"Grunkle Stan, why are we here again?" Dipper asked as he looked down the deep pit.

"To dispose of things that we don't want." Stan grinned "So long, Mystery Shack suggestion cards!" Stan pulled out some of said cards from his jacket before dumping them into the dark hole in the ground.

"Goodbye, creepy love letters from Lil'Gideon!" Mabel shouted as she threw away a framed picture of him along his letters "Die! Die!" She chanted before running off.

"See you never, boring blue prints!" (Y/N) yelles as they crumpled up the paper they just pulled out of their pocket. Soos took of his shoes and threw it into the hole. Dipper saw his weird doing and asked him "What are you doing?"

"Throwing stuff, dude. Everyone's doin' it." Soos shrugged before running off as well. Mabel came back while pushing a large chained box. Soos came running back to the hole to throw in a barbeque gill.

"What you got there, Mabel?" Stan asked as he saw Mabel come to a stop. He still hasn't stopped throwing the cards down the hole.

"Oh, it's just my personal box of mysterious secrets. Nothing worth wondering about." Mabel giggled then procceded to push the box down the pit "Goodbye forever!"

Dipper was skeptical about the supposedly bottomless hole "Grunkle Stan, do I really have to be the one to point out that a bottomless pit is, by definition, impossible?"

"Says you." Stan replied as shook cards out of his fez down the pit.

"So the one weird thing Stan believes in is suddenly impossible to you?" (Y/N) asked. Dipper rolled his eyes. He knew that there's a lot of weird stuff going on in Gravity Falls, but a bottomless pit? Mabel chimmed in "Well, I guess we'll never know." A big gush of wind made everyone look up into the sky. It began to darken rapidly with big clouds, blocking the sun light.

"Aah! It's some sort of invisible pushing force!" Soos cried.

"The wind, Soos, it's the wind!" (Y/N) sighed.

"Quick! Everyone back to the shack!" Dipper shouted. Soos, (Y/N) and Mabel ran after Dipper. Stan was the only one who stayed.

"I'm not done getting rid of these yet!" He yelled as he tried to throw more cards down the pit. But the wind caused the cards to fly into his face causing him to stumble around.

"He's gonna fall!" (Y/N) yelled as they dashed torwards their grunkle.

"Grunkle Stan! No!" Mabel shouted as she rushed after them.

"Almost... Almost... Almost!" Stan said as he caught the flying cards to push them down the hole over and over again. (Y/N) and Mabel grabbed onto Stan's leg to pull him away from the pit as best as they could. Not even with Dipper and Soos helping them now they were able to gat him away. As some cards flew away Stan tried to jump after them, making him and the group fall into the pit like a chain with everyone screaming.

Gompers walked up to the hole where his human fellows just fell into, just to bleat after them.

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