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"Are you happy?"


"And why are you happy?"

He paused, silently reflecting over the moments from the past months.

"Because... there's nothing to be sad about." he responded, his sister Elize chuffed out a laugh, nodding to herself.

It was Saturday morning, the day after Angel's seemingly exciting party, he didn't drink, didn't find interest in it, his sister sat him down the morning after for a small therapy session, they started this after some ups and downs occurring in the past, small brief conversations about Angel's mental health. Angel enjoyed them despite the reason behind needing them, simply because he and his sister got to bond for an hour or two, and it helped Elize as well when she used him to train for therapy presentations back in college. It was a win for both parties.

They regularly wrapped up their sessions with a simple question. 'Are you happy?' a vague but genuine question.

Elize put on her professional tone, knowing it would make him laugh, "Alright, any trouble you're having, just come to me, I'll give you a chair— for free." She smiled with her eyes closed.

Angel snorted, "Really El? You'd do that for me?" Angel went along with the joke, putting a hand to his chest, feigning gratitude.

"Of course not." She gave him a serious look, Angel frowned for a second, "But I will give you a family discount." She said, they both exploded in laughter after that.

"Going to Khalil's?" Elize asked as she watched her brother slip on a pair of shoes.

Angel stood up, dusting his pants and swinging his backpack behind him.

"Yep, i'll be back by dinner, hopefully." Khalil had a tendency to make people lose track of time, simply by how much he rambles.

"Alright, stay safe." Elize escorted Angel out the door.

Angel started his journey out of the complex and towards his school's dorms where Khalil resided.

Soon he was at the school campus, making his way towards the dorms when someone caught his eye.

The guy from the party he attended nights ago, standing nonchalantly as he chatted with another student. Though it seemed their conversation was already over by the time Angel looked over. The guy turned towards Angel's direction, his eyes widened as he noticed Angel standing mere steps away.

Angel noticed the guys sudden movements to approach him, so he quickly shuffled away, going back on his path to Khalil's dorm.

"Hey!" The guy shouted, gaining his attention and others around them. Angel flinched as he slowed to a stop, letting the guy approach him until he stood directly in front of him.

"Hey, you're the guy from the party, uh.." he teetered, his brows scrunching up as he smiled down at Angel.

"Angel. My name's Angel." Angel said flatly, he didn't intend to start a conversation but it seemed inevitable now.

"Angel, cute, anyway Gia wanted to tell you sorry about Friday night, she didn't mean to sleep on your shoulder- actually, gimme your number, you can talk to her yourself." he started pulling out his phone, Angel tried to interrupt but the phone was quickly shoved into his hands, he looked up skeptically at the guy, who in turn only smiled from ear the ear.

Angel typed in his number anyway, though he thought it was a little sketchy... this guy was no stranger, besides, it was easier to gain Gia's number this way than directly asking her, that wouldn't go so well, as he imagined it.

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