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When I was a young girl, before I knew about the world and all the horror that came with it, I used to believe in good. I used to want to be good.

Time after time, my siblings and I would sit around the television, watching every superhero movie ever made.

After the credits rolled, we'd jump to our feet in enthusiastic splendor, our young imaginations fantasizing about us being them, the superheroes we just observed.

We'd go on fighting for their roles, each one of us claiming and pretending to be the greatest hero of them all. Yet somehow, I always round up with the lesser of the heroes. The one that nobody wanted.

It never failed. Every time my siblings would force me to be who I did not wish to be, a part of me began to grow angry, resentful at how unfair it was to watch them claim who I longed to portray. Don't get me wrong. I wasn't just angry over getting stuck with the B-list hero. No. It was more than that. It was every little name call, every pester, ridicule, every pinch from my wicked older sister. It was every single moment when one of them would talk over me, acting as though what I had to say, did not matter, because to them, I did not matter. I only existed. I only breathed.

My exclusion ran deep. It ran dark, building over time as I kept my mouth shut and my suppressed thoughts muted. Truth be told, I was a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode amongst the tyranny I called, my family.

You see, I never really fit in amongst them. I never felt like I belonged. I never felt... seen, heard, loved.

Neglected and starved for attention, I was drowning in a dark, deep, cold abyss and I had no one there to save me. No one to reach their hand into the frigid, watery depths and pull me to surface.

I had no one. I was all alone.

Constant days of observing the world around me, I tended to look upon it with an outsider's perspective. An illusion, it was like staring into a distant world, a world in which I knew I did not belong in, and I was right. It wasn't my world. It was my prison. My own personal hell that I could not escape nor leave behind for a better place.

As I watched my family through the bounds of this invisible veil, I often wondered why I couldn't be like them. "Why was it so hard for me to fit in? Why did I feel so alone, so different? Why couldn't I just be, normal?"Oh. That's right. Because I wasn't normal. I was cursed. At least soon to be.

It took the smallest of occurrence to set me off that day. The day that changed my life, forever.

You never really think of how each act in your life can lead you to where you are today, butthatact. The act in which caused me to finally snap. Well, I remember it vividly. I mean, how could I forget? It's not every day you fail to remember the one moment in your life that changed it all.

My brother had just shoved me hard enough to hit the ground with a bruising thud. While he snickered and turned his back, my blood boiled. It ran cold, freezing until every metaphorical vein within my body froze solid. And thencrack. My wrath shattered, and I blew.

With the malevolent eyes of a scornful devil, I glared up at my big brother, ready to strike him down where he stood.

A blink of an eye, that's all it took for little ole me to jump to my feet.

You can kick a stuck rock crammed between two hard places for so long before that rock loosens from its suppressors and falls, bringing with it, a vengeful avalanche ready to destroy all. I was that rock, and boy was I ready to bring about the end of times.

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