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Terrified, I rise and scream, my panicked body flickering amongst the dark.

Tiny droplets of sweat beads down my forehead.

The cool air meets my exposed flesh with a chilling graze.

With a trembling hand rested upon my rapidly beating heart, I know that if I do not calm myself, then she will emerge, not only to protect me, but to take control and go to the one that calls to us. To face the one that beckons us to join him, wherever it is that The Darkness awaits. But I'm sure that is exactly what he wants. A master hunter. A manipulator. I know these games, for I have played them well.

You do not win at war by hiding amongst the shadows. You win by drawing your prey into it. You can try to hide, but I now see past your mysterious, charming facade. I now see you, Nolance. I see you for the magician that you are.

I have been fooled. I have been manipulated. Nolance. He's sided with The Darkness. The Darkness wants my light. He's always wanted her, always calling out to her in the darkest of times. But no more. His calls stop now.

Nolance wanted me to free her. Had I allowed her to shine completely, The Darkness would have gotten her.

Our conversations were a lie. All the sincerity—all the emotions... a lie, a ruse, a trick into getting me to trust him, and it worked. So desperate for a friend, I let my guard down. I fell right into his trap. How stupid of me? I amsostupid! What's that saying? Oh. Right. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice—no. I will not be fooled again. No. I will not allow him to have her. She is mine. My light is mine. Not yours. Not his, but mine.

Zurhen wakes, sitting up fast. "What is it? What is wrong?" he worriedly wonders.

Caught in this plaguing current of anxiety and fear, my panting has quickened just as my head has grown dizzier by the second.

I concentrate on slowing my breathing with long, deep breaths. Eventually, the technique begins to work. The flickering of my light slows until what is left is but the flesh of a somewhat normal human being.

Zurhen turns to face me.

He takes my hand that lay upon my heart and gives it an encouraging squeeze. His tone is gentle yet worried. "Serena. Tell me what is wrong? Was it a nightmare?"

I turn towards him, lighting my hand so that I may see him within the dark.

His gaze drops to my hand, then lifts.

My voice wavers. "I think something bad is going to happen," I admit.

"How do you know this?"

Emotions get the best of me all in which causes my bottom lip to tremble. To prevent myself from crying, I bite down on it but it's useless. Tears spill and I cry like the baby I am. "I just know," is all I respond.

The sweet giant is there for me in an instant. He motions me to come to him. "Serena... it is alright. Come here."

I am lifted by the waist by his two big hands.

As he sets me down on his lap, facing him, I lock my arms and legs around his massive body and press my cheek to his warm, bare chest. His scent... so pure. So, addicting. I breathe him in, allowing his natural aroma and presence to calm me as it so easily seems to do. He is my heaven; my safe space and I swear there is nowhere else I rather be than in his sweet, giant arms. "Just hold me, Zurhen. Please," I ask of him, and he does.

Zurhen holds me, comforting me in a way that only he can do. "Of course. I got you, Serena. You will always be safe in my arms. I swear it."

He lays a long kiss on top of my head, and then another.

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