senju lady

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welcome hoped you liked last chapter if you didnt to bad time for another random name and lets go boys 

but now we need to get ready for the party yes we do sasuke asks the kage is dead why are you so happy we hate the kage why because sasuke hey tried to kill me your lying  you  dont have to belive  but its true  yea what ever he storms out ok now kakashi i have somthing for you where is it not here  stupid come on lets go they walk out the hospital a nurse trys to stop naruto claming that hes still sick hey lady you know what they call me think a couple cuts will put me down no what do they call you wait a sec who are you i was brought from a town around here oh well ask nurses who live here ok naruto walks out with kakashi and haku ok its under my bed lets head home 

they enter the door haku goes and sits on the sofa and kakashi joins her naruto goes into his room and pulls out a box a long one and brings it out oh cool what guess no one else noticed ive got my 3rd tail oh wow well thats cool oh here you go  kakashi opens the box and looks at it this looks like my old chakra saber yea smae metal but its a katana when you battled with zabuza you only had a kunai so i thoguht this would help having a real weapon  thank you naruto nah i owed you one this ring is great i only take it off so i dont get blood on it good choice so what now well we need to think of somthing that will make us really happy since the third is dead we going to have fun well you said you want to get a tattoo what where you going to get well i was going to get my back done ok can i see the design nope not till its done ok well then lets go to the shop theres one in the leaf but i know of a better one its a bit of a journey but its the best place in the world how you know i have freinds really i was starting your best freind was your books hey they are master pieces in what world is porn a master piece in my world fair well then we should go when jiraiya comes in the door ok i heard whats going on and i want to know if you guys want to go help me find a freind of mine sure but one thing why well is i dont i have to be hokage and if i find her and get her to come back she will be hokage whats her name tsunade senju  oh shit says kakashi what well i kind of owe her money jiraiya bursts out laughing you owe the legandery sucker money  i didnt gamble i borrowed 50 thousand ryo but hse left maybe she forgot says haku no she never forgets things like this  you are dead kakashi pouts wait didnt you just win 10  million ryo oh yea im fine  well then lets pack wait what about emo what about him you did train him only for payment  which was 3 jutsu edo tensei a sealing jutsu called hevanly seal and  the flying thunder god ok then i wanna learn edo tensei on the way we go to the shop on the way back alright lets go 

they pack and make there way to exit of the village when they hear talking from most people  did you hear yea naruto beat the one tails  yea i maybe hes not so bad  yea but dont forget what he did before the exams so they attacked him i guess your right  naruto keeps walking when they finally leave the village he starts speaking so they only care about me and treat me as if im human as long as i do somthing they like pretty much well then they have another thing coming i dont do what people want me to do i do what i like like you should but we need to start moving if we want to reach the town before dark  they begin to move at good speed 

after an hour narutos body freezes he falls and is caught by kakashi he begins to scream whats happning i dont know  naruto whats going on i dont know jiraiya you think tsunade can help him yes she can its not very far give him to me i can move the fastest out of all of us  ok kakashi hands naruto over to jiraiya  he screams it hurts what does everything  jiraiya moves at his top speed arriving at the village  in a few mins he luckly see tsunade entering a bar he runs over yelling she comes out oh jiraiya  how are you i need your help what she sees a person on his back what happend i dont know we where just running and he began screaming  out in pain she put him down he does she begins to check him over  she sees all the scars on him wondering where they came from then her face goes white whats happend to him hes been given my grandfathers cells what how that damm snake naruto yells  orochimaru did this yea he said he would give me a gift  so whats happning his body is mixing grandfathers cells with his own what clan is he part of a few tell me ok uzumaki a demon clan and the uchiha she goes even whiter the uchiha yes has he got then sharigan got it hes got a mangekyou then i know whats wrong what his bodys trying to heal the damage to his eyes  but the cells havent properly bonded with him yet so he is a match yes luckly has he got any other powers or clans well he holds the nine tails tsunade says so hes his son dont worry he knows so hes the one but hes ment to be dead yea hiruzen told me that to hes not look at him  look at his body hiruzen let it happen and he knew if we knew he was alive we would of taken him away from the village  this is my fault no its our fault we are his god parents  naruto screams get away i cant control my transformation he begins to turn into a demon tsunade jumps back so he has both yes i dont know why hes going out of control its never happend is it the fox no they are freinds wait tsunade dont use ninjutsu why he has madaras gunbai how tell you later  kakashi and haku arrives  hey there you found her whats happening hes gone out of control  naruto screams the towns people come out to see whats going on kakashi has this ever happend before once  how did you stop him i didnt i had to let him rampage when i got close he punched a hole in my side  we where in the forest at the time haku looks at naruto hes in 75 percent cover me ill use somthing to slow him down what do you have that can do that hes stronger than you yes but this thing stopped the one tails for a bit ok then use it haku does hand signs then turns her curse mark on then her byakugan  she infuses as much power as she can into it ice style sub zero bomb she launchs it hitting naruto dead on  it explodes freezeing naruto in place naruto roars trying to break it and in a demonic voice its cold it struggles jiraiya uses this time to make a seal that can hold back even tailed beast chakra  kakashi use genjutsu if i remember right in this form hes is weak to it  yes he is kakashi casts genjutsu narutos eyes look glazed now jiraiya then places the seal but before he can tsunade pushs him out the way taking a bite to the neck from naruto the ice breaks he faked being in the genjutsu she says her body healing already naruto roars give me the seal haku no he wont hurt me  yes he will no trust me haku kakashi looks at her give it to her kakashi jiraiya says he wont hurt her are you sure yes  this i am sure on ok then but tsunade be ready  got it haku walks to naruto slowly he roars dont come near me ill kill you no you wont how you know that because naruto you nearly killed somone for me so what you dont do that for anyone else she keeps coming closer now in his area of reach  but he doesnt attack she gets right in his face then she  looks him in the eye and places the seal on him the demonic cloak vanishs and he falls down she catchs him but his massive size nocks her down too  guess that was a bad idea naruto begins to scream just because the cloak  is gone doesnt mean the pain is gone  tsunade  grabs him and pumps chakra to his brain nocking him out ok now i can treat him  what are you going to do fix his eyes as best as possible then maybe the cells will stop attacking are they rejecting him no naruto is a perfect host for them well thats lucky yes very ok i have a hotel room lets head there got it kakashi picks up naruto  the people of the town are shocked by what they just saw there is wispers so thats the demon from the hidden leaf i heard of him they say he could kill you with a finger  they make it to tsunades room entering tsunades assistant opens the door shizune  i need you to help me with somthing is it medical yes but what about your problem with blood fuck it i have to help my god son a little fear wont stop me shizune just goes along with it tsunade then places naruto onto the bed then   grabs a bottle and pours it onto narutos eyes whats that numbing agent why you need that because to fix them i have to take them out  and i have to be very careful because of the scaring around his eyes how did a kid get wounds like this there deep kakashi awnsers slowly and in a dark tone the villagers did  tsunade freezes those fools what if the nine tails wasnt good he would of been an easy target for it to be let free they didnt care i told them that if they did things like that he might let the nine tails out  luckly naruto befreinded it but scars like this had a cost on his mind  what tell you after you help naruto oh right  she opens narutos eye lid  and grabs the eye because of it being numb it just slips out tsunade then places it in a dish and turns on her  strength of a hundred seal and focuses half the chakra from it into they eye and she smiles after a bit what hes barely damged them i can heal them fully but only once he must get the set kushina gave you jiraiya ok  i can do that  she then picks up the eye and takes off a bit of dirt from the side then she places it back in the socket she then does the same to the other eye  she then takes a seat now tell me about his mind well since the night i saved him he has had very little value for human life but for some like me and haku he has gone out of the way to defend us such as when a girl called hintata nearly killed haku so he beat her so bad she is still in a hospital what jutsu did he use fire style susanoo rasengan flying thunder god his blade and war fan  so he is mentaly un hinged yes then at this point he has somthing he holds dear that it keeps him sane already what sadly there is nothing that can be done ever just by looking at his jacket he likes killing to a degree even if he wont tell you no hes told me before he finds it fun  then at this point the only thing that can help him is her pointing at haku what why me because he wont hurt you so you are his anchor the thing he holds dear only you can fix him if thats the right word no you have to be the voice of reason  but how that i dont know he just seems to like you so i think he will hear you out on things  but its up to you while your here  and if you keep going like you are he wont get worse  so really its your choice  haku thinks she doesnt know what to do so she says ill think about it but you say his mind wont get worse yes ok now why where you coming to find me what makes you think we where looking for you because  this town has nothing around it for 2000 miles oh  right well the village wants you to come back and become the hokage no what why because its a fools dream  my grandfather and uncle had that title and both died horrible deaths i do not want to suffer that fate naruto wakes up  everyone turns to see him  they look  he puts a hand on his face my face hurts naruto kakashi says do you know what happened yep i lost control snake boy injected me with hashirama cells and then they tried to heal my eyes then tsunade healed them you knew that was going on  because of what ive had done to me anything done to me such as removing limbs or eyes i feel and know whats going on so you heard that im not coming with you and i think if you dont come your a fool now naruto says jiraiya its up to her is it we need her even thoughi dont like many in the village they like her and its kind of her right and her duty to become hokage  what you know of duty well i have a duty to revive my clans all of them and i know deep down you want to come become hokage your just scared tsunade goes quiet scared how about we step outside and i prove im not scared  naruto dont sure lets go  naruto tsunade be the bigger person here dont do it  but its like she didnt hear him naruto and her walk outside into the street so whats the rules well simple dont use that demon form or the nine tails  this will be a piece of cake ill even only use one finger tsunade says kakashi dont make silly bets naruto is fast and dont forget he has the susanoo the thing that put hashirama on the ropes fine one hand she wont fien by me then if i make you use the other hand or foot then i win exactly now then naruto slips into his stance 3 tails flowing behind him tsunade notices them in a fighting position so you use your tails to fight as well like having extra limbs  yep well then lets fight ok naruto charges pumping chakra to the seals on his back his war fan and blade appear in a puff of smoke  he brings the blade down tsunade puts her hand up blocking the strike but then shes hit in the face with  a tail nocking her back you put chakra in that attack nope just its raw strength  naruto flips back throwing his harshin kunai stunade doges only to see naruto no longer be in the spot he should be then she has his blade at her neck i win huh how naruto  shows her the kunai its like the fourths nope it is one of his customly  made for me  i only have one but its pretty handy and because of my massive amount of chakra i dont get any drain from it well then tsunade slams the palm of her hand into narutos face only for it go  thought his face  huh she looks in his eyes the mangekyou  yep just give up not today naruto doesnt see it he gets kicked in the face hey thats against the rules fuck the rules fine then kurama lets go kid a cloak forms around naruto 2 tails cover his own ready tsunade throws a punch only for naruto to jump back and do hand signs fire style dragon flames spitting flames bule in colour tsunade jumps back and does the only jutsu she knows that can counter in her mind she thanks her uncle for teaching her water style water style water dragon  the jutsus clash naruto ends his and runs in he blocks a punch with his fan sending the attack back at tsunade she gets nocked back  finally jiraiya and kakashi grab both of them stop it before you kill each other what you think this brat can kill me yes you used nearly all your chakra healing him then you used water style with no source i know you can draw it from the air but it still uses chakra so stop where as with naruto kakashi and him are yelling what the hell naruto you should of used rasengan yea but i didnt want to properly damge her but you will launch her own attack back at her if she can dish it she can take it  fair enough haku comes over dont encourge him hey what i do fight her when you should of just made a bet but she could of won that dont you know what they call her the legandery sucker oh right fine then tsunade i want to make a bet and whats that kid if i can get my susanoo to have a  skeleton body then you become the hokage like you could do that it took madara uchiha 2 months to do that so heres the rules one it must have arms and a head 2 if you win not only will i become the hokage ill give you this pulling out her neckless why would i want that kakashi wispers that thing is worth about 500 gold mines narutos looks him in the eye you not lying ok and if i lose you leave me alone and you let me take out my grandfathers cells how you going to do that by removing you power to use chakra  naruto think about this haku its fine fine then its a deal  naruto shakes tsunades hand  ah and before you go you have a week  then he walks off tsunade walks to the bar haku goes with her kakashi goes with naruto and jiraiya goes with tsuande also  she sits at the table are you going to actually going to take his power over chakra if he loses yes he is a danger and even if i take his chakra sadly his body will regive it to him so im hoping i can find a way to remove it forever you monster no im thinking about the people of the village win or lose that battle convinced me to come back now if he can do that he wins  if you think i get some form of joy about trying to ruin his life i dont  but if he can master the susanoo faster than madara uchiha then maybe he is safe how is that proving anything because to master the susanoo you either can train in battle which forces it to advance ot the next stage or you must focus  so if he can do that then he has to be calm  ok then we will wait until then  lets drink not you but i will 

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