just before and after

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naruto leaves the office and heads straight home and hops into bed haku joins him about 4 hours later so i guess im gonna need a bigger bed says naruto no  i think this is good ok then he falls  back asleep  the next day hes woken up by Kimimaro naruto  its time to get up he wakes up slowly  haku grabs his tail its early stay i need to train and so do you  what time is it 8  why she gets up i have about an hour till i need to be at the kage office well i need to prep why did you forget im leaving for 3 years oh right haku goes quiet dont worry it will go by in a flash that reminds me Kimimaro whats your plans well kakashi offerd my a spot on his team and i was thinking of taking it yes do i was going to ask him to take you anyway  naruto gets out of bed and gets his clothing on then heads to the kitchen for food he finds kakashi made some on his way to tsunade to make sure everything was fine with narutos cells in his body Kimimaro and naruto eat  and walk out to a training ground while haku heads to the kage building  

ok Kimimaro what weapon do you use my bones yea i know that but anything else no ive always used my bones do you know any other jutsu no i was taught to use taijutsu and very little ninjutsu well the lets test your affinitys naruto pulls out a piece of paper and  gives  it to him pump chakra into it  he does so it cuts in half one side crumbles while the other crinkles up 3 affinitys thats pretty rare how many do you have all 5 and yang oh wow that means you can learn any jutsu you want yep it also means i can teach you jutsu but for now lets just start you of with earth style kakashi will teach you lightning and wind is easy just annoying  ok then copy my hand signs this is for mud wall naruto does the hand signs slowly and Kimimaro  copys them perfectly creating a mud wall 2 as strong as narutos seems earth is one of your stronger affintys mines fire  ok ill teach you a few jutsu and after that lets spar no curse mark or tailed beasts  naruto teachs him wind stlye and a few earth style  ok that should do you have alot of chakra so ill go my full power base ok  naruto steps into his style  and so does Kimimaro  they look at each other and begin Kimimaro  starts with hands signs earth style stone bullets he shoots dozens of tiny rocks at high speeds he infused them with wind chakra naruto doges them and  goes for a hit Kimimaro  blocks even though he cant use his bloodline his bones are still as hard as steel  naruto slams his tail into Kimimaro side he didnt see that coming naruto then jumps into the air fire style majestic flame destroyer a massive amount of fire is shot from his mouth Kimimaro  holds his ground and creats a mud wall it holds barely naruto lands and gets hit by wind blades he then sees where they came from thrwoing his harshin kunai and destroying the earth clone he then flashs to it   and rushs at Kimimaro kicking out the back of his legs then he pulls out a kunai and covers it in wind chakra surrender Kimimaro puts his hands up you win naruto puts his kunai good job thank you but i cant bea you in taijutsu alone you can but in ninjutsu kenjutsu  i win what about genjutsu i cant do it  i have to much chakra i cant use such a small amount  so if you know even one genjutsu you beat me in it but up side to having such a large amount weak genjutsu cant affect me thats an advantge yea against genin  well its somthing  hey naruto whos that asks Kimimaro pointing at a white haired man coming to them oh jiraiyas back  hey there pervy sage i told you not to call me that try stop me ugh naruto so changing the subject this is the kaguya yep and i was just teaching him ninjutsu turns out orochimaru taught him to abouse his bloodline and it made him sick so for about a year he cant use it well orochimaru does seem like the type to do that so how long till your ready for what to go for are training trip  oh right i thought i had a few months well i think we need to leave a little early ok i have found the place where we can train ok then we leave in tommorow afternoon ok that sounds good i just need to finish somthing is it somthing i can help with well i have to befreind a summoning animal but the toads like you not the toads i have another contract what really show me i havent met the boss yet so i think i should do that you havent me the boss summon you idiot jiraiya hits him on the head hey i didnt plan to summon anything till you where back but i had to save Kimimaro ok fine i guess thats ok then now summon the boss ok naruto begins building up chakra and bites his finger summoning jutsu theres a massive puff of smoke as a massive flaming bird is now infront of naruto and jiraiya madara why have you not summoned me in so long and when did you get so tall im not madara i am his grandson then where is madara he is dead he gave me this contract as a gift then you are naruto  yep madara talked of you a few times who are you me i am marco i was named by madara i am the phoenix boss jiraiyas jaw dropped but thats a mythic contract your more likely to find 5 perfect sages then get  stuck by lightning  then one of those i see naruto says sorry for not meeting you before i was pretty busy it is no problem  im guessing you here to ask for my blessing to summon the phoenixs right yes but also i hold another contract which one the toad contract that is fine i dont care if you summon toads but i am glad you told me it is useful to know things like that  now is there anything else yes what can you do well if you couldnt tell i have fire based attacks but i can also heal  but my most powerful move is fusing with a weapon even after i no longer am part of it my flame blessing is left behind allowing the weapon to use my flames any time wow i think were going to make a great team so do i now naruto i must go i have dutys to attend to thats all good  see ya good bye the phoneix heads to the summoning world  now then what else do you need to do well  i need to go say bye i am leaving for 3 years  ok you go do that i have to go do some reserch perv hey you would to if you where normal nope i have a girlfreind well sorry mr high and mighty yea what ever  he walks off followed by Kimimaro where you going i need to get sigined into the anbu if i plan to join that squad  ok then they walk to the kage office  barging past the lady at the desk you cant go in there the hokage is training her student so what naruto walks in and finds haku practicing medical ninjutsu hi naruto Kimimaro what you doing here tsunade asks well Kimimaro is here to join the anbu oh right kakashi and i talked about that the paper work is all good just need you to sign  ok show me tsunade pulls out a piece of paper  Kimimaro signs it ok you start training tommorw under kakashi hatke or dog you will be known as  wolf you are joining the special unit called death squad they take missions approved by there captin only and work as a team no solos missions are you ok with this yes well then welcome to the anbu thank you so naruto why are you here to say goodbye why because im leaving early jiraiya seems to think i need as much traning as possible haku stops you said a few months i found out to day im sorry haku walks up to him not angry but sad promise me somthing sure you will become stronger than anyone in the village  i will she naruto kisses her and you must promise to wait for me i will  when do you leave tommorw afternoon maybe earlier  then tsunade do you mind if i have the rest of the day off go ahead  thank you come on naruto i want to spend as long as possible with you ok they run off into the village 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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