ᥴꫝꪖρ𝕥ꫀ᥅ 10 || ❁

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"Oh. Erm. Hi Enola! How are you?" I awkwardly asked as I looked at her.

"I'm good. Just waiting for my date with Tewksbury." She answered
"But what are you doing here?"

"I came by because I visited Sophia." I lied the best I could but it looked like she believed me.

"Oh. How's she? I haven't seen her in a long time." Enola asked and I almost let out a sigh of relief.

"She's sort of sick so I went home pretty quickly." I answered and gave her a smile.

"Honey shouldn't we go inside? Before all the business people come and we don't get seats." Tewks interrupted out chat.

"Yeah we have to go. But it was nice talking to you y/n."  Enola said and gave me a smile and I gave Tewks a look to say thank you.
After they entered I just followed and went to the second floor to stalk them.
I know it's really freaking weird but it sort of was my idea so it's not Tewks' fault.
And when I tell you that their date took long, I mean it.

That date took freaking 3 hours.
I almost fell asleep all the time like who the fuck takes 3 hours on a date?
Like no-
How's that even possible?
Well let's continue. They left the restaurant after that time and I just got out before them and hid in a bush.. again-

"I've had a really nice evening with you Enola."
Tewks said and smiled at her.

"I did too." Enola smirked and kissed him for a good half minute.
"I love you." She said as she pulled away.
As she said that I had to try my best not to gag.
I mean yeah sure! I wanted her to be happy, but she was getting weak. And in that moment that I saw her one thing got clear for me:
She's an amazing detective but she wouldn't be able to fight on our side in the war against sexism. She most likely wouldn't fight on any side.
And from then on I knew that I most likely had to fight that war alone.
So I took matters in my own hands.
As soon as Enola got into a carriage home, I got out of the bush and walked towards Tewks.

"Let's go to that dance. I know it's starting in an hour but I need to do something." I straight up said and he just nodded.

"I think I can go like this. Let's take my carriage that we came here with to your place and you can change quickly and then we can take your carriage to the House of Lords."
He answered.

"Sounds good." I nodded and we then did as he said.

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"Let's go." I mumbled as we got out of the carriage. I told Sophia that I wasn't going to come to this dance but she wouldn't be there anyways since she was sick.
There were a lot of people as always and I just tried blending into the crowd(as always)
After an hour I noticed Enola and I walked towards her.

"Hi again." I chuckled and she smiled at me.

"Hi there! How's it going?" She asked and I had to laugh.

"You know that I hate these dumb dances." I mumbled and she laughed but then she whispered in my ear.

"Yn.. I need to breakup with Tewks." She whispered and I almost stumbled.

"What why?? You love him and he loves you! That boy will be heartbroken!" I whisper-yelled.

"I know Y/n it's just that I need to focus on that whole detective thing even more and I think my feelings for him aren't as strong as I thought at the beginning. I just feel like he needs someone that loves him as much as he loves her, and I can't give him that." She mumbled and even tho I didn't want him to be heartbroken, I understood her.

His flower || Tewksbury x fem!reader ❁ Where stories live. Discover now