10- Tis The Season

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Liliana POV

So it's been just over a month since halloween and life has been pretty good. Today is the last day of school before Christmas break and I am so excited. I'm currently in my room getting ready for the day after just finishing showering and am now picking an outfit for the day.

I'm wearing a knit sweater that is split into four horizontal sections each a different color

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I'm wearing a knit sweater that is split into four horizontal sections each a different color. First is green, then light blue, light purple and the last color is an off white kind of cream color. The cuffs on the arms are green just like the neck. For bottoms I'm wearing a pair of baggy light blue jeans with rips on the knee. The jeans rest right below my ankles and because of my height, or lack of, the jeans bunch up on my white Nike air forces that I'm wearing today.

After putting on my clothes I exit my closet and walk over to my bathroom to do my makeup and brush my teeth and all that. For today I decided on my usual natural makeup look. I Put on some mascara, concealer to cover the dark spots under my eyes and imperfections, some highlight, blush and a cute pink tinted lip gloss.

When I finish my makeup and brush my teeth I walk down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. When I get down there all my brothers are sitting at the island with happy looks on their faces, obviously excited because it's the last day of school before winter break. It makes me smile to see them so happy. Even the oldies are happy, I'm sure Gio has so many plans for us this christmas season.

I sit and talk with my brothers as a maid comes and brings me my breakfast. Saying thank you to her I continue back in my conversation taking bites of my bagel every once and a while.


Right now I'm just walking into the cafeteria with Makayla and Ryan. We go and sit down at the table where Char and Henry already sit. 'I'm surprised they're even here, usually they get here after us' I thought to myself.

We all later go up to the cafeteria where they are serving a special christmas dinner kinda thing with turkey and mashed potatoes. For vegetables, baked beans and last but not least broken glass dessert.

When we walk back to sit at the table we talk about all the things we are doing with our family for the Christmas season.

Char and her family are going to Hawaii on a family vacation with a bunch of cousins, aunts and uncles and her grandparents. She said that they are leaving on sunday and won't be back till the 31 of december.

Makayla is just chilling with her family, she said they are probably just going to spend a lot of family time together and have fun. Which I think is a really nice thing. But she also is going to gather with her extended family at a christmas dinner at her aunt's house.

Henry is staying at home and is just having a small gathering at his grandparents house with him, his mom and dad and his little brother.

Ryan's family is going all out, flying family members in from different places around the world and everybody in the family has a few people staying with them. His immediate family has a few cousins from Florida staying with them. Then on Christmas everybody is gathering to have a lovely family Christmas gathering.

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