Chapter 2: Ninja

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The Bad Guys-Prime and the Justice League finally arrived at Ninjago City. They saw the beautiful city with many people in it, including animal people like lions, crocs, eagles, gorillas, wolves, rhinos, ravens, and bears.

"Wow... Ninjago is beautiful." Wolf said.

"Yes it is. It's a wonderful place filled with many wonders." Flasheart said.

"So now what?" Webs asked.

"Now we try to find our friends here so they can help us." Sara said.

"Who's trying to find us?!"

The Bad Guys and the Justice League look up at a rooftop to see 14 Ninja looking at them.

"Long time no see, guys!" Barry chuckled to them as they jumped down in ninja style

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"Long time no see, guys!" Barry chuckled to them as they jumped down in ninja style. They then pulled off their hoods revealing their faces.

"Flash, GA, Supergirl, White Canary, and the JL

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"Flash, GA, Supergirl, White Canary, and the JL. It's 10 years since we last saw you guys." Lloyd said.

"Good to see you guys again as well." Oliver said. The Ninja then saw the Bad Guys and are confussed.

"Ninja, meet the Bad Guys, former criminals now heroes." Barry said. They then shook each other's hands.

"Nice to meet you guys." Gorzan said.


The heroes turn to see Shadow Banshees heading to attack them.

"We got incoming!" Cragger said as they pulled their hoods up and Spinjitzu into battle.

As the Bad Guys help people to safety, they spotted a group that was very familiar to them.

Is that..." Webs-Prime said.

"The Bad Guys of Earth-7?" Wolf-7 said as run to help them.

"Hey guys!" Piranha said to them.

"What are you guys doing here?" Shark asked as he water blasted a banshee.

"We're just as clueless like you." Wolf-7 said as they join in the fight.

Drago chases a Shadow Banshee through the city and finally slash clawed the monster in half. He grins at his work and sees his friends needing help.

The Bad Guys Justice League: Ninja Chi Ruckus Where stories live. Discover now