Chapter 6: True Potential

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The Ninja, JL, and both Bad Guys are now heading towards Arthur's location.

"Do you guys think this plan will work?" Wolf-7 asked.

"Only a fool thinks he knows everything. I admit I don't know. How this will end is beyond me." Lloyd said.

They then found Arthur using the crystal to make his own monster army. He turns to see the heroes and grin wickedly.

"This is it... our battle has come." Drago said.

"It's time! Let's do this!" Kai said. They then jumped into the air and began to transform.





The Ninja spin into golden tornadoes as they transformed into their dragon forms.

"Awesome form!" Piranha-7 shouts

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"Awesome form!" Piranha-7 shouts.

"Let's do this!" Jay said as they all charged into battle.

Each of the Ninja, JL hero, and the Bad Guys fought against Arthur's army of monsters. Drago and the Bad Guys engage Arthur who has the crystal in her hand.

"You can't stop me! I am all powerful!" Arthur yells as he blasted the Bad Guys with different elemental power. Drago then crossed blades with him.

"You'll fail as you did before!" Drago shouts.

"Never again I will!" Arthur said as he traps Drago in a twist of vines bounding him with Nature.

Shark then sends a wave of water at him only to be frozen by Ice

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Shark then sends a wave of water at him only to be frozen by Ice. Piranha speed attacks him but misses as Arthur used Smoke and froze him with Time. Webs techno blasts him only to thrown to a wall with Gravity. Wolf sonic howls as Arthur countered his power with Sound. He then used Earth to punch him down. Snake used his full might of psychic power against Arthur but gets pounded by Metal.

The Bad Guys Justice League: Ninja Chi Ruckus Where stories live. Discover now