57| The Only Option

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"Are you sure you rather be here then Coney Island? We can leave now and still have time to—"

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"Are you sure you rather be here then Coney Island? We can leave now and still have time to—"

"No," I replied with a shake of my head. "I want to be here. I really needed to get out of the house. And besides this is just what the doctor ordered." 

I felt Mike's eyes on me as I indulged in scoop after scoop of my bowl of mint ice cream. When Mike called me a few hours ago to see if I was available to hang out today, I jumped on it. Everyone else I knew had something to do anyway. 

Lanie had a date with her latest beau. Harper had something with her parents that she tried and failed to get out of. Nathan had hockey practice until this afternoon. Until Mike called, my only other option was to spend the day with my parents. 

Spending the day with my parents meant more you-need-to-break-up-with-Nathan stares from my mother. I knew she liked Nathan just as much as she liked Lanie and Harper, but she was dead set on me going to USF. And I knew that she didn't believe me for a damn minute when I told her I wasn't in love with Nathan.

It was blatantly obvious to everyone. There was nothing I could about that. 

There was nothing I wanted to do about that. I loved Nathan more than anything—and I didn't care who knew it. 

"Earth to Fitz," Mike said from across the table. "You in there or am I talking to a zombie or something?" 

That made me chuckle. "Since I'm eating ice cream and not brains, I think it's safe to say I'm not a zombie." 

"So, what's wrong? Do I have to kick Nate's ass?" 

I dropped my spoon into the bowl and leaned back against the seat. "Why do you always think he's done something wrong? Lately he seems like the only person doing anything right." 

"Whoa, Fitz. I was just kidding." Mike's brows dropped into a deep V. "Seriously, what's going on with you?" 

Right on cue, my cell phone rang. I looked at the caller-id and groaned before pushing the accept button. 

"Hey, mom." 

"Karma. Where are you right now?" 

My mom's voice was cheerful and strong. Just like it always was when she was up to something. I knew what she was calling about before I even answered the phone. 

"I'm not with Nathan, mom. I'm with Mike." 

Mike cleared his throat before saying loudly so my mom can hear, "Hi, Mrs. Fitzgerald!"

"See," I said a little too curtly. "It's not Nathan." 

My mom sighed heavily through the receiver. I could picture here clearly in my mind standing in the kitchen, hand on her hip. "That's not what I'm calling about, Karma. I just wanted to know where you were so I knew when you would be home. I was going to order your favorite pizza from that place you like." 

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