Cirrus likes sodo but sodo likes someone else.

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(Warning smut will be in this chapter.)

Cirrus:ugh what the hell do I do I really like sodo but I'm so nervous to tell him what if he doesn't like me back. That would be so embarrassing I would probably try to not talk or look at him again. I got figure out what to do maybe someone can help me? Ooo maybe rain could help me he know sodo really well he's his best friend I'm going to go ask him if he can tell me what I should do.

~time skip cirrus is now in rain's room~.

Cirrus:(knocked on rain's door.) may I come in rain? Yes come in rain yell's. Hey cirrus what's up do you need something? rain asked. Yes actually I do. Ok what is it hit me? Ok so I know that you're best friends with sodo so I thought maybe you could help me out with something. Ok..? Rain says confused. Ok so I really like sodo but I'm not sure how to tell him so I was going to see if you could like help me out and see if you knew how I could tell him?  Oh umm sure I'm not too good with this stuff though so bare with me ok? Rain says while thinking. Ok.
Hmm maybe give him a note or text him and tell him I find that The easy way🤷🏻‍♀️ rain says. Hmm yea that could work well thanks rain cirrus says while leaving the room. You're welcome cirrus lmk how it goes rain says while shutting the door.

(Cirrus has been in her room for abt an hour now she has been trying to think if she wants to send a text or give him a note and everytime she goes to send the message she freak's out.)

Cirrus: oh satan I'm scared shit less yk what oh well what happens happens fuck it I'm going to do it.

(She decided to send a text to sodo.)

Cirrus: hey sodo

Sodo:hey cirrus what's up I haven't seen you at all today where are you are you ok?

Cirrus: oh yea sorry I've just been uhh sleeping and stuff but I'm fine I just really need to tell you something.

Sodo: oh ok I'm glad you're ok and ok what's up?

Cirrus: I- I uhh yk what nvm forget it I'll just tell you later.

Sodo:No you're going to tell me right fucking now what is it? Tell me or I'm blocking your ass rn.

Cirrus: ok ok please don't

Sodo:I won't but your ass better tell me right now what's wrong?

Cirrus: ok ok so umm.. I-I kinda like you I have for awhile now I've just been to scared to tell you I'm sorry if I kinda ruined our friendship I just really had to get that off of my chest.

Sodo:Oh umm.. ok wasn't expecting that..

Cirrus:Ik Ik I'm so sorry.

Sodo:I-it's ok I gtg ttyl.

Cirrus:Oh ok bye. 

Cirrus: well shit I knew I shouldn't have fucking said that now he'll probably never talk to me again fuck what have I done. (Cirrus then began to cry because she was so upset that sodo probably didn't like her back and he didn't he like someone else I wonder who it's going to be😏🤷🏻‍♀️.)

Sodo:Well shit what do I do now I don't wanna be mean but I don't like her I like ugh nvm sodo thought to himself.

Cirrus:ugh yk what I don't care I will make him like me I'm not taking no for an answer.

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