Part2 sodo & Rain⛔️

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(Warning smut in this part⛔️.)

(Let's go to my room sodo said while picking up rain and he threw him over his shoulder and slapped his ass pretty hard. Ow fuck rain whimpered out but he Secretly liked it. You want me to stop?sodo asked. No no please don't I was just caught off guard that's all rain said as his face heated in embarrassment. You slut sodo said while a little smile. So what do you want me to do first? sodo asked. Anything you want just please touch me rain said. Hmm anything? Sodo said with a little smirk forming on his lips. Anything just please- alright if you say so sodo said. Here put this on sodo said while handing rain a blind fold. Ok rain said and he put it on pretty tight. Good boy sodo said. Rain only whimper at the word. I'll be right back stay here I have to get something out of the other room sodo said and rain only nodded he was quite nervous to say the least. Ok I'm back sodo said he came back with a candle and a lighter in his hands. What you have? Rain asked. Just wait and you'll find out soon sodo said. Ugh fine but please try to hurry it's hurting really bad rain said. I will sodo thin lit the candle and waited till there was some hot wax. Sodo do you have a fucking candle what the hell?maybe I do maybe I don't sodo said. What the hell could you possibly need a candle for? Rain asked. Just shut up sodo said as he blew out the candle because there was now enough wax for him to use. You ready? Sodo asked. Yes just do something please daddy rain said. Sodo got even more turned on by rain's words. Ok 3 2 1. Sodo then tilted the candle onto rain's stomach and rain gasped and the feeling of the hot wax. What the fuck ow sodo stop please that hurt's rain cried out. Just relax baby and you'll like it I promise if you just listen it will be over soon then I'll fuck your horny ass ok? Ok ok fine rain said. Sodo then tilted the candle again and this time rain just tried to realx and surprisingly soon enough rain liked it. See I told you. You would like it you whore sodo said. Ok ok that's enough please now rain said only because he wanted sodo to just fuck him already. Fine sodo said annoyed. Sodo then went into his dresser and pulled out some lube and put it on his dick and then on rain's hole. Realx baby it will only hurt for a few seconds then you'll fell amazing ok? Ok rain said. Sodo rain said hmm? Sodo hummed. Your not going to hurt me are you?rain asked scared. W-what no baby I promise I would never hurt you never if I'm going hard or if I'm hurting you please tell me baby ok? Sodo said. Ok just please go slow not to hard rain said he kinda felt bad for saying that. I promise I won't sodo said as he kissed rain on the forehead trying to let him know that everything will be ok. Ok are you ready baby? Sodo said with a soft voice. Yes rain said. Ok 1 2...3. Oh shit rain yelled your so big holy fuck rain said. Hold on let me adjust rain said and ofc sodo gave him a minute. Ok you can go now rain said. Ok baby. Sodo then started thrusting into rain oh fuck rain moaned out. Sodo smiled as he saw that rain wasn't hurting and actually liked it. You doing ok pretty boy? Sodo asked. Yes oh fuck sodo it feels so good just like that rain whimpered out. I knew you'd like it sodo said. Fuck make me your slut rain moaned out. Don't say that sodo warned. Why rain asked barley able to talk. Because that turns me on and I go hard on you so don't say that I don't wanna hurt you. I don't give to shit's it feels so fucking good please sodo go harder make me YOUR SLUT rain yelled. Fuck it sodo mumbled. He then went even faster and harder and rain loved it. Yes yes just like that daddy rain moaned out. Here take this of sodo said while pulling off the blind fold. Rain pulled sodo to his face and rain kissed him hungryly and sodo kissed him back. You're mine sodo moaned into rain's mouth. I'm yours rain said as he took a breath but went right back in. I love you sodo rain said. I-i love you to rain Sodo said shocked at his words. Sodo then moaned really loud as he filled rain up with his warm cum. And rain came shortly after sodo. Thank you sodo it felt amazing rain said. No problem sodo said as he kissed rain on his forehead. Let's get you cleaned up ok? Sodo said. Rain nodded. Sodo rain said. Yea sodo said. I- uhh can't really move Im sore already ow it kinda hurts rain said. Fuck I'm so sorry rain I didn't mean to hurt you sodo said. No no it's ok it's my fault I asked for it rain said. Here let me carry you sodo said as he picked rain up and carried him to that shower. Im so sorry rain sodo said as tears formed in sodo's eyes he really cares a lot about rain and he never wants to ever hurt him. Sodo it's ok I'm fine I'm just sore that's all please don't cry I'm fine really rain said. Ok ok let's just get you cleaned up then we can cuddle sodo said. Oh do you mind if I stay the night? Rain asked. Ofc you can stay you can sleep with me sodo said.

~time skip they are now out of the shower and are dressed and are laying in bed.~

Sodo:would you like to watch a movie?  I'm really tired I'd rather go to sleep now rain said almost falling asleep. Ok np sodo said while pulling rain into his arm's.

(Sodo then gave rain a kiss on his neck and Put his head in the crook of rains neck. Sodo's basically spooning rain and rain is already asleep and now sodo is too.


(This was probably one of my favorite's I've wrote so far. Anyways bye now🖤.

Word count 1101.

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