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LEADER: Phantom- black Tom with Tuxedo markings and blood powers, no spirit markings
DEPUTY: Coldsnow- black cat with white paws and blue snowflake spirits markings, ice powers
MEDICINE CAT(S): Vinetail- brown she cat, earth powers, no spirit markings Flamepaw - white Tom, orange flame spirit markings
Ivyleaf- silver-gray tabby Tom with red eyes, red ice spirit markings (fire + ice powers)
Aspenleaf- sand colored Tom, grey eyes, leaf spirit markings, wind and ice powers. (Father to Thornkit, Skykit, and Goldenkit)
Apprentice: Icepaw
Littleleg- small blueish shecat with blue eyes, no special markings, water powers.
Apprentice: Otterpaw
Spiritheart: (brand-new warrior atm) white shecat with ice blue eyes and spirit markings, all powers
Arroweye: brown and darker brown tabby, no spirit markings, wind powers
Longclaw- brown Tom with golden eyes (thought to have been Flamekit's father), flame powers
Apprentice: Griffinpaw
Waterrunner: white shecat with water spirit markings and powers
Darkeye- grey tabby with heterochromea (one blue eye, one brown) blood powers and no spirit markings
Saptail- Amber colored shecat with pale brown earth spirit markings
Apprentice: Earthpaw
Volttail: white Tom with electric (rare power) spirit markings and powers.
Brightflame: white shecat with flame markings and powers
Skyfur: blue shecat with and out of place cloud spirit marking on her shoulder. Wind powers. (mother to Skykit, white shecat with cloud-and-sun spirit markings , wind and electric powers Thistlekit- never-groomed Tom with tabby markings, earth spiritpowers, and Goldenkit, golden Tom with wind spirit markings, adopted mother of Flamekit and Redkit)
Birchleaf: brown marbled shecat (mother of the only kit Amberkit)
Larkheart: old old tabby Tom with no spirit markings OR powers (which is incredibly rare)
Sparrowcall: lame Tom who was forced to retire after his left hind leg was paralyzed in battle. Brown with Darker brown earth spirit markings
Leopardleg: spotted shecat with no spirit markings, earth powers (elders hardly use spirit powers- it takes too much out of them)

NOTE: not all the allegiances are 100% correct. Since I don't know all the main character's parents/mentors, some cats aren't real. (MOLLIE IF YOURE OUT THERE SPeAK UP 😂)

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