Kyioki Stryin

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Name: Kyioki Stryin


Little space: 0-3

Gender:Non binary

Pronouns: she/they

Personality: Kyioki is hyper independent to the point of no end.  She tends to focus on doing stuff her self and may get frustrated or annoyed when others ask. Kyioki feels like she has alot to prove so she plays the role of bold well, she likes to take charge for others to see but still has a fragile side that no one sees. She tends to be very anti-social which means she prefers to go places with others.

Sexuality: Pansexual


Likes: Like calm soothing things, coloring, motorcycles, adventuring, long walks

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Likes: Like calm soothing things, coloring, motorcycles, adventuring, long walks

Dislikes: deep routed fear of the dark, will avoid it at all times. Dislikes appearing fragile, cat calls, and most cocky people

Backstory: Kyioki had a pretty normal life style, they blend in with most crowds and bounce from friend group. Kyioki started to become with drawn around 4th grade people began to make fun of Kyioki for being "too girly". Kyioki started to dress more masculine which only further sparked bullying, Kyiok ended up at a new school and has been closed off since

Little information:
She will will diapers
She has a small stuff sheep named lulu that's her favorite
Likes coloring books
Has slight anger issues

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