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87 miles north of northern greenland

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87 miles north of northern greenland

Kiara woke nearly eighteen hours later in a much warmer room than she had fallen asleep in. Kicking the covers off of her, she looked around the room. A sleeping figure was in the bunk across from her, and the one beside it was the one she had left Sam in the night before. But the blanket was discarded and it looked like it hadn't been touched in a while. She knew he had already left for Finland.

The dim lights were still on and after wondering if she had slept the entire time with them on, she sat up and took a deep breath. After her hours of sleep, her body had healed a bit. Her abdomen didn't feel as sore, but she knew she would need the sun to finish healing her body. It would be healed in a few hours.

But she needed food first, and they put the supply bin somewhere.

Later, after eating a few granola bars and drinking from one of the last water bottles, she walked around the base to see what was there.

She soon found out it was composed of two layers. The first layer was made up of living quarters. A small sleeping room with five sets of bunk beds, a warehouse-type bathroom with a few exposed showers and toilets, a larger kitchen with outdated appliances, and what seemed like some sort of sitting room with a broken touch, a poker table, and dusty board games with Russian writing.

The lower level was where the business was conducted. It consisted of a few workrooms with outdated technology, a few small offices, and a room at the end of the hall that had a seat with a metal contraption built around it. Hydra equipment that seemed more advanced than the rest of the base. There was a door off to the side of that room with a red star on the wall and a waning side underneath it.

Kiara stood by the metal chair, a finger tracing the cold roundness of it. It was black and sleek. Sitting down in the chair, she wondered what it was used for.

A creak in the floorboard told her she wasn't alone, and when she turned to look at the door, a tired Bucky was standing there. His eyes looked as if he'd seen a ghost.

"Are you okay?"

"What are you doing?"

Kiara shrugged. "Exploring. I found this weird-looking chair. What do you think it was used for?" She looked back down at the chair, rubbing the armrests as she did.

Bucky took a few steps into the room, haunting memories filling his mind and he thought about the last time he was in the room. He couldn't place the time or the memory itself, but he knew it had been decades ago.

Seeing Kiara sitting in a chair that had hurt him so badly and so often made his stomach turn. He tried desperately not to imagine the sound of her screaming, the look on her face as the electricity burned through her skull and into her brain. Though he was sure she experienced similar at A.I.M.

"It was used for me," Bucky finally said. "That was how they wiped my mind."

Kiara's eyes widened slightly and she stood up. "Oh," was all she said.

"That's where they kept me in cryo." Bucky pointed to the door with the star on it. "I'd be in there for years at a time. This is where they kept me for long storage."

Kiara's stomach turned at the thought of it. Of how terrible and awful these people are. Shaking her head she looked over at him. "It's not fair. These people... so many of them got away with it - still getting away with it."

Bucky didn't say anything, he only watched Kiara grab ahold of one of the metal rounded compartments that would wrap around his head and administer the shocks.

"I fucking hate them," Kiara said, pulling on the round piece of metal and snapping it off easily. "They all deserve to fucking die for what they did to you. For what they did to me." Walking around to the other side of the chair, she pulled off the other side.

Bucky immediately followed her pace, grabbing onto the armrest and pulling it from its nailbed. "They used to strap me down and just take parts of my mind. Like it belonged to them." His voice was hoarse with anger.

Kiara grabbed the other armrest and pulled it off, "They acted like we were just fucking objects. Tools for mass destruction in their racist, anti-semitic bullshit! World domination my ass." Anger was radiating through her.

"They took my fucking life," Bucky yelled, pulling the metal back of the back with thin faded cushioning.

"He only had me for his fucking ego!" Kiara yelled, kicking the chair. It was bolted into the ground. "I wasn't even supposed to be born. He just had me to experiment his stupid shit on! So he could have a perfect little pet that did all his fucking killing for him!" Kiara was nearly screaming, kicking the chair as hard as she could. The bolts bent in half and the chair flew, crashing into the wall.

Kiara fell to her knees and started to sob. "How could he? How could he do this to me? I was just a baby..."

Bucky knelt down beside her. "They gave me the arm of a monster and I have to live the rest of my life with it. Knowing how many people it's killed."

Looking up at him with wet eyes, she cried harder. "It's not fair, Bucky. I wish I never... I wish he never... it's not fair."

"I know, Ki. I know."

sad but I actually really liked this chapter also I'm sorry I have zero inspiration for writing anymore idky :/

Also someone plagiarized my Steve fanfic and then they deleted their account when I messaged them so I couldn't even report it. They'll probably do it to someone else smh they literally copied word for word

anyway I hope you're all doing good :) thank you to all my beautiful and lovely readers. I love you 🖤

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