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Excuse this mess, I found this in my drafts from when I was like 15 and decided to post it. PLEASE DONT POINT OUT HOW HORRID IT IS LMAO i feel like its really ooc of Todoroki but whateverrrrr, also this has never been edited so YEET

I roll over on my bed and lay on my stomach as I kick my feet. I'm swiping through my Instagram seeing what my classmates were up to, when I came a crossed a photo Kirishima posted. "Todo" I say, "did you see kiri's new post on insta? I swear him and bakugou are dating." I giggle.

"I couldn't care less (y/n)" he sighed, "but if i'm being honest I think so too" I clap my hands together excitedly, "Right!!!"

He sat up from his place on the floor and stared at me with his normal stoic expression. "Whats up todo?" I ask with a head tilt and I patted the bed. He slowly got up move to the bottom of the bed and put my feet on his lap. I put my phone down, turn and laid on my back.

I slowly move my foot and poke his face with my toe, "Whats wronggggg" I whine, "quit staring at me like thattt." He took a deep breath and looked my straight in the eyes, "Hey (n/n) do you like anyone right now?" I blush a deep shade of red and break eye contact 'OH MY DHIESFBEWIDWIH WHY IS HE ASKING THAT, DOES HE KNOW' my insides were doing backflips.

I put a hand over my face to cover my blush, "Y-yeah I do, why?" I mentally slapped myself for stuttering. "Oh" He said with a sigh, he almost sounded sad and I can't handle a sad todo. "hey um the person I like is... y o u" I mutter the last part under my breath. "WhO?" He said with a confused face. "Y-You, Todoroki."

I slowly looked up at him and I watched him go through the brief stages of realization. His face quickly turning a bright shade of red. I get up from my position on the bed and crawl to sit in front of him. I look up at him with a bright red face "Shouto I like you and I have since middle school" I stare at him waiting for him to answer when he finally moves.

His left hand moves and lightly places it on my cheek, it was slightly cold to the touch but I didn't mind. I placed my hand over top of it and nuzzle into his hand as I look up to him with a small smile. My eyes widened when I see him come closer, my mind was going crazy I WAS ABOUT TO HIM MY FIRST KISS.

I close my eyes when I feel his breath on my lips, It felt like 10 years before our lips touch. It was so sweet and gentle, I quickly kissed him back as I wrapped my arms around his neck and run my hand through his hair. The kiss continued for another 10 seconds before we pull away from each other panting.

"I hope you could tell but I really really like you too (y/n)." He said as he put our foreheads together, "will you go out with me?" I quickly nod and end up smacking our heads together. "Oh my god Todoroki I'msosorryIdidn'tmeantohityouIwasjustsoexcited and then that happened oh my god" I say panicking. I quiet down when I look up to see Todoroki's shoulders, my eyes widened in shock thinking he was crying until he looked up with a big smile while laughing.

I relax as I watch him laugh still feeling bad until he quiets down and grabs my cheek again kissing my forehead, "well I guess your mine now (y/n)" I giggle and look him in the eyes "I guess so."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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