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[637 - Words]

Resting my arms on the pillow that laid in my lap, I sat and stared at the silent TV. Sighing, I stand up and walk to the kitchen, grabbing a mug and making myself hot chocolate. I sit in front of the large window in my living room, sipping my drink slowly. I close my eyes as sip my drink once again, only to flutter my eyes open as I hear the sound of the front door opening. I place the mug on the side table and run over to the door, engulfing your tall black-haired husband in a big hug.

He wraps his arms around my waist and dipping his head down into my neck, placing light almost ghostly kisses on my neck. "How have you been? I've missed you" He said as he nuzzled into my hair, taking in the sweet scent. "I've been okay...and I missed you too" You giggled. "Shouta.." "Hm?" He hummed into your neck. You pull away from him and grab his hand leading him into the living room. "I wanna cuddle" You say as you sat down on the couch.

He chuckled as he sat down next to you. As soon as he sits on the couch and move so you can lay on his lap facing upward looking up at him. "How was the work load today? Anything interesting happen at school?" You ask as you bring a blanket up to you using your feet. "It was surprising normal and not much happened today, just the usual raging of bakugou" He moves a piece of your hair out of your face and places a soft kiss on your forehead.

"How long has it been since we had a chance to sit and relax and just hang out" You ask, reaching up and twirling a piece of his hair around your finger. "Probably a week or so," He says "tomorrow is Saturday and I don't have any hero work, and no school. So we can spent the day together" You perk up at his statement, stand up and run from your bedroom, to the kitchen and staying there for a few minutes and run back over to him with your hands full. You had gotten a few pillows and a big blanket from your room and had grabbed popcorn, snacks and drinks from the kitchen.

"LET'S HAVE AN ALL NIGHT CUDDLE, MOVIE NIGHT!" You yell as you chuck a pillow at his face. He laughs at your childish antics, but agrees. It was only 9 o'clock so you had the whole night ahead. You both chatted, well mostly you ranting about foolish things as he listened.

Moments like these were Shouta's favorite, he always loved how your (e/c) eyes lit up as you talked about things that you did or enjoyed.

You had finally stopped ranting and finally you guys were deciding on a movie to watch. "How about this movie" you said and he nodded at the romantic comedy you picked. He knew you loved cringe love stories. You were about of 30 minutes into the movie when you suddenly reach up with both hands cupping his cheeks and pulling him down into a soft kiss, he smiled into the kiss and placed his hand behind your head deepening the kiss.

As the kissed started getting heated you moved your arms around his neck, tangling your hands in his raven colored hair. You part before the kiss could get any more heated, gasping for air. He placed his forehead against yours and kisses your nose.

You giggle at the sudden kiss, he smiles down at you with his eyes closed. "I... love... you... (f/n)" He said in-between placing kisses all around your face making you chuckle. "I love you too" You said as you placed a kiss on his nose.


I actually started this oneshot book before my Dazai one but I ended up posting the dazai one first. Anyway whatever that ain't important. I hope you enjoy this sweet little fluff of Aizawa. I love him so much. lol

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