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More about Park I-jun...

·She is the eldest in Solstice
·She is allergic to nuts and she is allergic to mint
·Her favorite color is white although she hates snow and winter in general
·Her father passed away on Christmas so that ruined her Christmas-y spirit
·Only Seoyun knows since most members go to her for advice and to talk with stuff
·She shares a dorm with Seoyun
·She is also shipped most with Seoyun
·She loves fruit and vegetables and encourages the members to eat healthy
·She is actually really healthy alas her slim figure
·She doesn't get jealous easily but when she does you can tell
·She isn't the best when it comes to hiding emotions, and Hayoon's even worse
·She tried to ice skate when she was younger but fell and hit her chin on a rock which made her have to get stitches
·It was so bad that there's still a tiny scar on the bottom of her chin that she hides with make-up

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