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More about Park Seoyun...

·She is the Visual in Solstice
·She actually had a crush on Hyein in trainee
·Her crush went away though because it was very little
·She has a pretty deep voice, and she likes to use it to scare the members sometimes
·She's the one that the members usually go to for advice and stuff and even though she's not the oldest she's still the mother figure
·She wants to go to Paris one day and take a selfie in front of the Eiffel tower
·She wishes that she could go to Paris with her future husband/wife
·She is a rather romantic person
·She's socially awkward and has social anxiety
·She tries to overcome her social anxiety but once she had a panic attack at the airport but the members comforted her
·She's roommates with I-jun and is shipped with her the most

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