Bliss is the happiness beyond the senses. Beyond the laughter, the merriment(gaiety and fun). Away from the sways of joys you'd have known.
Not lost in the gentle pulls of winds, nor using the eyes to see that which lightens and brightens, not using the ears to be hypnotized by the musical manifique, and not using the mouth to taste the sweetness of the first fruit of the season.
Rather, sitting alone with yourself; quietly... silently... thoughts turned within.
Listening to the sound of silence.Then thoughts turned beyond the physical, in tune with the spiritual- the peaceful- the pure.
Few thoughts.... the union with our Father, the Blissful One..
experiencing his peace- being peaceful,
experiencing his love- being loveful,
experiencing His bliss- being blissful...Where contentment and bliss go hand in hand.
Balance is what you must take in your lives.
SpiritualWhen thoughts are put correctly, and said as words... They can mean a lot... Here I'll just be putting some of my thoughts in form of words... They all have deep meanings...probably... If said/read correctly, they might make you smile... happy or sa...