The first date

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I hope you enjoy the first date of y/n and Alex in this part.

~a day after Alex's birthday y/n is Alex's house~

"Y/n would you like to go to a restaurant with me the one across the road from the cafe" Alex wraps his arm around y/n.

"Of course i would" y/n cuddles up to Alex and kissing him on the lips.

"For now would you like to watch a movie?" Alex smiles.

"A romance one!" Y/n giggles.

Alex picks up the remote and starts looking through the romance movie then picks one after scrolling for a while.

Alex and y/n cuddles up on the sofa and 20 minutes in y/n starts falling asleep so Alex turns off the movie and picks up y/n and laying you down in his bed.

"Goodnight sweetheart" alex whispers and kisses
Y/ns head as he lays down next to him and falls asleep soon after.

~the next day~

Alex wakes up and goes in the shower then after drying off he gets dressed into a nice suit.

"It's time to wake up y/n" Alex taps y/ns shoulder and smiles as y/n wakes up.

"You looks so handsome in a suit" y/n giggles.

"Come on y/n I'll take you home so you can get ready for our date" Alex kisses y/ns cheek.

"Okay then I can't wait for our first date together." Y/n smiles.

~at 7pm~

They both arrive at the restaurant together as they get leaded to their seats and they sit down across from eachother and the waiter passes them each a menu and a drink menu.

"Just call me over when your ready to order drinks and food" the waiter smiles.

"It looks so fancy here and the food is expensive , we could split the bill" y/n looks down at the menu then up at Alex.

"No it's okay I'll pay for it you you can buy anything you like" Alex chuckles.

"Alex you work in a cafe you probably don't make that much money" y/n looks at Alex worried.

"Y/n is okay my parents are millionaires i Just don't live with them they give me money when I need it"

"If you say so Alex" y/n looks down at the menu.

They both are looking down at the menu wondering what to get after 2 minutes they call the waiter back over.

"Could we get the medium steak with fries and a Diet Coke , and chicken nuggets with fries and a water" Alex tells the waiter.

"Okay that will be out soon as possible for you two"

The waiter walks away.

"So what made you come here to midbee y/n?"alex questioned.

"I Just needed to get away from a toxic ex boyfriend so I decided to go far away from him , but I always have the worry he will come back" y/n sighed

"Oh I'm sorry for asking about that"Alex holds y/n hand.

"It's alright but why do you live here if your parents are millionaires" y/n questioned.

"Me and my parents don't get along that much and I wanted to start a new life in a small town"Alex smile.

"I'm glad that I met you" y/n looks around.

The waiter came over with the food and drinks and places on table in front on Alex and y/n.

"Thank you" Alex smiles.

Y/n and Alex starts eating their food.

~10 minutes later~

Alex pays for the food and holds y/ns hand and walks out the restaurant.

"Would you like to go back to my house or your house?" Alex asked.

"Your house" y/n smiles.

They walk to Alex's house and they walk inside and up to Alex's bedroom and lays in his bed and Alex puts on a romance movie and cuddles up to y/n as y/n starts falling asleep up against Alex.
Thanks for reading this part and the next part will be out soon as possible and I hope you enjoyed.
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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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