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hearing the crowds talk I held my sister's hand walking towards the gate, Hoping to see that one girl. she was talking to Bianca looking excited. Probably talking about their wolfing out.

The girl's eyes brightened seeing me walk into the gates, she smiled as she ran to Wednesday hugging her, Surprisingly the girl hugged back. What's up with her and hugging today?

the girl then turned to the crowd hesitating before turning back to me, She then shrugged tiptoeing to kiss me. the girl wrapped her hands around my neck before smiling against the kiss,

"I am so hopelessly in love with you Clare, Addams" She muttered "I-...I love you too" She tugged me in closer by my neck as I heard whispers and cheering from the crowd.


The typewriter clacked as I sat there hugging Enid from behind while she shook her legs back and forth watching as our stuff got moved out, "Should we go to principal Weem's desk for the last time"

"After I'm done" Wednesday replied for me "What she said" Enid nodded before going back to rocking her legs back and forth. the Typer writer rang for the last time as I watched Wednesday put the paper into her box.

"let's go"


Standing there I felt her arms around my waist as she rested her head on my shoulder, "Hi babe," I love her but that made me cringe "Call me that again and I'll choke you in your sleep"

"I hate to admit" My sister cut us off randomly "But I am going to miss principal Weem's" I nodded while enid hummed in agreement "but she was tough"

"And she died for one thing she truly loved, this school" I muttered "For that, I have immense respect" Wednesday nodded "She was one of us"

I said as we walked out the door "Now that classes are canceled, you should visit me in San Francisco" Enid said holding onto my arm, Jesus this girl was clingy. "I can guarantee fog and fizzle every day"

"Sounds tempting" My sister replied, "Bianca," She said suddenly while we turned to face her "I owe you a thank-you" "We getting that fencing title next year" She smiled "Don't let killing one supernatural pilgrim get to your head" 

 Feeling someone tug on my arm I was pulled back from my sister, She turned to me looking for me to go while I was dragged to Enid's parents.

"Mom, Dad. This is Claire" She smiled at them "Oh? She's your friend? Nice to meet you" the woman smiled reaching out to grab my arm while I stepped back "Not a hand shaker?" Enid nodded.

"Well that's okay sweetie, Now let's go. We don't have much time," She tugged Enid away, "Go on, I'll catch up" they nodded turning the other way while Enid grabbed my hands looking at me, "Please convince your sister to come over."

I nodded giving her the brightest smile I could possibly make "I have to go now, Text me often before I sign you up for the military"

 She let go of one hand "Love you, Byee!" She's never been more attractive.

waiting at the front door I saw our car pull up, Not longer Wednesday showed up next to me without a sound making me jump a little "Let's go" She said opening the door for me to go in first.

"So, New phone?" She winced "Xavier," I nodded to the reply "Of course" Taking it off her hands I saw a message pop up,

Pictures of me and Enid, Xavier, and Wednesday showed up. With a Gif of a knife going through our heads "Weds"

She tilted her head over eyes widening at the message, It was all over. was it?

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now