Chapter 3

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3rd Person Pov

Everyone's heads snapped towards her.

Penelope upon realizing this, hid her shy smile behind her fist.

Her face became redder.

"Pardon me...." - Penelope

Reynold furrowed his eyebrows and questioned her behavior.

"You have been behaving weird today.... Come to think of it.... One of the maids said that she had something to say about you." - Reynold

This made her curious. Just like everyone else.

She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head, asking him to cut to the chase.

He looked behind himself and gestured for a maid to come forth.

He looked at his father for permission, which was granted.

He smirked and turned to the maid. Quickly addressing her before glancing at Penelope who in turn glared at him with her challenging eyes. 

"You said you had something to say." - Reynold  

The maid nodded fiercely.

"I saw the lady sneaking out!" - Jenna (maid)

All the color that her face had moments ago was gone.

She thought that the maid would spew lies like they usually do.

Not once did she think this would happen.

She will not be able to defend herself now.

She had never been able to defend herself from lies, no way will she be able to defend herself from the truth.

Her heart hammered against her chest. She could hear it clearly as her faced filled with fear.

"Penelope.... is this true....?" - Duke

She looked at him and moistened her lips before gulping.

"I-I....." - Penelope

The words died in her mouth as the real horror of the situation sank in.

What if... the kids get hurt because of this...?! What if it ruins Vinter's reputation?! I-I'll never be able to forgive myself if that happens! - Penelope

She took a deep breath in before letting out a shaky exhale.

"I did no such thing...." - Penelope

She looked at the two brothers who stared at her, shocked the entire time.

"I'm telling the truth! It was Albert who gave her a ride!" - Jenna

Everyone save for the Duke, who was very hesitant, believed the maid.

She glared at the maid, furious.

"Just how low do you want to be?!" -  Reynold

She had had enough of this.

"Please excuse me." - Penelope

She marched out the door, hastily.

"Penelope Eckhart!" - Derrick

She was now sitting in her room, at her desk.

She kept bouncing her right leg in order to relieve some stress but it did nothing to help.

She bit her thumb and her eyes impatiently kept scanning the room, hoping to come up with any plan.

Tears threatened to fall as she got up from her seat and paced around the room in circles.

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