Chapter 4

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"Waaaaaaaaaagggghhhh!" Ella yelled out.

Vinter was startled.

Rael simply leaned away.

He looked at Vinter with fake sympathy also known as sarcasm.

"Look Dad. Your lovely daughter. And my lovely sister. She's doing her best to be heard. Empowering women at such a young age." Rael spoke.

He wiped away his crocodile tears.

Vinter shook his head at his son as his hand travelled up to his forehead.

He bent down before picking up Ella.

He patted her back to comfort her.

"What did you say to her, Rael?" Vinter asked. 


"Ella is not adopted!" She cried out.



Vinter sighed once again.

"Daddy! Is Ella adopted?!" 

"Of course not, sweetheart!" Vinter comforted before asking Erik to take her to her room.

Vinter then addressed the crowd of servants in front of him. Only a few trusted ones knew about him being a sorcerer and an information guild leader. Like Erik and Leona, the head maid.

"Raphael and Gizella are my children." Shocked murmers filled the room. "They are from the future. They seem to have touched some magical books. They will be staying here until we find a way to get them back to their timeline. I expect everyone to treat them like the Young Master and the Young Princess of Berdandi. None of this should leave the mansion. That is all. Please return to your posts."

Excited voices filled the room as everyone was overjoyed that their lord would have children in the near future.

Save for one. She clenched the hem of her uniform. She glared at Rael through her black fringes with her dark brown eyes. She turned on her heel and stormed away.

She reached her small room and threw off everything from the desk in anger. Her roommate barged into the room after hearing the ruckus.

"What on earth are you doing?! Are you out of your mind?!" Her roommate yelled.

"It was supposed to be me!" She yelled. "Me!"

Her roommate scoffed. "You really are out of your mind, Evanna."
She smiled. "Did you hit your head?"

Evanna glared. "Shut your trap, Rose. I am the future Marchioness! His grace did not marry because he loves me! Me! I am his future bride! I will be the one bearing his child! Not the mother of those two! Its me! He loves me!"

Rose shook her head. "You..." She pointed. "are delusional. I suggest you give up before it is too late. Also...!"  She took another look around the room. "You are cleaning up." She then left the room. 

Evanna fumed with rage. "When I become the Marchioness, I will make you regret it."




Penelope laid on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I wonder what Vinter's doing....." She sighed. She turned to lay on her front and buried her face in her hands. "I miss them....!"

She gasped before sitting up. "Tomorrow is the Second Prince's Birthday Banquet! I can meet him there!" She squealed.

She pulled her legs to her chest and smiled ear to ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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