𝟏𝟒. 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞.

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An eerie silence filled the room as the clock ticked past three in the afternoon. A man, deeply engrossed in a black file in his hands, sat across from a sleek black leather chair. The dark grey curtains were drawn, blocking out the sunlight, giving the magnificent, beautifully designed cabin an almost somber atmosphere.

The massive walls were painted a shade of grey, with a glass table in the center, a coffee table with four chairs on the side, and a glass bookshelf in the corner. The cabin exuded luxury and sophistication.

Dressed in a black suit, the man sat with an air of authority, his wrist adorned with an expensive watch. His jaw was clenched, and his brows were furrowed in concentration as he focused on his work. But a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

❝You may come in,❞ the man said, his tone laced with irritation. He glanced up to see his best friend, Aroosh, standing in a grey suit. Aroosh's lips curved into a charming smile as he walked in and took a seat across from Musa.

❝When did you learn to knock, Aroosh?❞ Musa asked, annoyed at the disturbance, shooting a death glare in his friend's direction. But Aroosh seemed unaffected by the glare, smiling sheepishly at his moody friend.

❝The day I met the love of my life,❞ Aroosh winked, his eyes sparkling with happiness. Musa raised his eyebrows skeptically, which only made Aroosh burst into laughter. Musa kicked him from under the table, earning a yelp from Aroosh.

❝You know, Bhabhi is lovely,❞ Aroosh remarked as he relaxed in his chair, mimicking Musa's serious expression. Musa's hand paused for a moment, his mind replaying an unexpected moment between him and her. His eyes flickered with strange emotions, and his heart skipped a beat, though he refused to acknowledge what his heart was trying to tell him. But the real question was, did Musa Hassan Khan even have a heart?

He considered himself too ruthless, a man who killed and drank blood. In his view, love and affection were not his cup of tea.

❝There are waves of tears in those beautiful grey eyes, and before they even fall, God counts them. A heart like hers is connected to God, and a monster like you will face punishment if you don't get a hold of yourself,❞ Aroosh's words caught Musa's attention, his ocean-blue eyes darkening. Aroosh's voice echoed in the cabin.

Flashes of her tear-filled eyes played in Musa's mind. He slammed his hand on the table to stop himself from losing control, running a hand through his hair, messing it up. Aroosh watched his friend with a blank expression.

❝She isn't worth my attention,❞ Musa said, standing up and glaring at Aroosh with clenched jaws and a storm of thoughts swirling in his mind. He took off his blazer and threw it aside, rolling up his sleeves to reveal the veins on his hands, showcasing his physical perfection.

❝Then free her from your cage, let someone else have her,❞ Aroosh replied, standing up to confront Musa. Musa's eyes filled with turmoil, and he hurled a glass against the wall, the sound of it shattering reverberating through the room. His face reddened, and his breathing grew erratic. It was as if the beast inside him had been unleashed.

❝She is mine, only mine!❞ Musa roared, shoving a chair out of the way as he approached Aroosh, who remained emotionless. Musa grabbed Aroosh's collar, daring him to say more. His mind was haunted by the image of her innocent grey eyes, yet he couldn't understand what he was truly feeling.

❝She doesn't belong to you, buddy. She's a queen, and you're a beast!❞ Aroosh retorted, trying to push Musa away, but Musa didn't budge. Musa's grip tightened, his eyes warning Aroosh not to push him further, as he was already on the edge.

But Aroosh was determined to provoke him, even if it meant getting burned. Musa's anger was palpable, ready to cause destruction.

❝She is my beauty, and I am her beast,❞ Musa whispered with agitation. He released Aroosh, his words hanging in the air. Aroosh watched him, trying to decipher what new scheme Musa was plotting against the fragile soul. Musa Hassan Khan remained an enigma, his deep ocean-blue eyes a living mystery.

Musa picked up his blazer from the floor, gathered his things, and left the room. He needed air after what had just transpired. Every scene replayed in his mind—those dark grey eyes that had stolen his sleep. A man who had just called himself a beast was being haunted by his own emotions.

❝You're bipolar, Musa!❞ Aroosh yelled after him. Musa paused, trying to steady his breathing and rid his mind of the thoughts overwhelming him. It felt like, for the first time in his life, an unexpected girl had taken over his mind, and the bizarre part was that she was none other than his own wife, whom he despised with all his heart.

❝Be it, she's still mine!❞ Musa declared before storming out. His voice was commanding, leaving no room for debate. He was gone, having declared that she was his, and she belonged to him by any means necessary. But what had driven him to act this way was still unknown to him.

Aroosh stood there, his features twisted in anger, his fists clenched. He felt helpless, with no power to make their lives better.

How strange, that fate had brought these two souls together. How would their story end? Only God knew. One day, every truth would be revealed, and every tear would be rewarded with happiness. God never forsakes His people, for He is the Merciful One.


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