Bio + Prologue

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Name: Hinotori
Adventuring Name: Reed Daggers
Aliases: Silent Phoenix, Queen's Bounty Hunter, Red Shadow
Species: Phoenix Demi-human
Age: 12
Affiliations: Queen's Shadows (Former), Shield Hero's Party
Magical Affinity: (Earth XD) Wind and Fire
As Shadow: Dagger and Sword
As Adventurer: Chained Blades, Small Crossbow, Throwing Knives
As Shadow: Same as the shadows but red and a uses a full-face mask
As Adventurer:

Bio: Name: Hinotori Adventuring Name: Reed Daggers Aliases: Silent Phoenix, Queen's Bounty Hunter, Red Shadow Species: Phoenix Demi-human Age: 12 Affiliations: Queen's Shadows (Former), Shield Hero's Party Magical Affinity: (Earth XD) Wind and Fir...

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(Ignore the sword and add black wings)


The village of Seaetto, the land where Demi-humans could live without any kind of problems caused by their animal traits, or at least that's how things were before the Wave of Catastrophe appeared. The soldiers were doing the best they could to protect the villagers but the monsters were too much for them.

Now, in the outskirts of the village there was a boy, a phoenix demi-human to be exact, and sadly, the last of his kind. He was young, young enough that he couldn't fight, but old enough to fly away, but in his fear and panic, he didn't see a monster that attacked him from behind, and when they crashed the boy could see what took him down, it was very different from the others that attacked the village, this one was bigger and had wings on its back like him, he tried yelling for help, but before he could, the demon started choking him, but his claws were very sharp, sharp enough to cut his skin.

The demon let his grip loose and saw the blood in his hands and saw his handiwork. The boy tried yelling again... but he couldn't, and that's when he knew, he just lost his voice. But then the demon grabbed his face and made him look in the eyes and said:

"Now no one will hear your screams"

The demon started raising his other claw and the boy closed his eyes as tears were welling up in his eyes. Next thing he knew, a slash was heard, but he didn't feel anything.

He opened his eyes to see that the demon had a sword in his throat, as the sword was removed some the blood spilled in his face and the demon fell backwards, right before him was his savior, the lord of Seaetto himself.

The lord saw the nasty wound that would definitely leave a scar, so he casted a spell that set his hands in an orange aura and touched the wound in the boy's throat. The young phoenix felt a hot yet nice feeling and next thing he knew, his wound stopped bleeding, but the damage was already done.

"Hey, are you alright?", said the lord as he knelt down to him, the boy moved his lips but nothing came out of them. The man gasps and that was enough to know how deep the wound went. "So that bad, huh? I am so sorry for not being here earlier". The boy grabbed the lord's shoulder and turned to demon, Lord Seaetto followed his gaze and saw the demon's corpse he turned to the boy again and saw him bowing down his head in gratitude."It's okay it is my duty as lord after all". Next thing they heard were roars, they turned where the sound came from and hundreds of monsters making their way towards them. Lord Seaetto knew that they wouldn't be able to outrun them, at least one of them wouldn't. He knew what he had to do to save the young phoenix, he took his sword off along with the sheath, gave it to the boy, who looked up to him confused, and said, "Listen, if this is happening, then that means that the waves of Catastrophe have returned, so you need to leave, I'm sorry that I left this weight on your shoulders, but as of now you are what remains of Seaetto, so you have to carry its legacy and finish the fight, now go! I'll hold them off to give you enough time to escape, go in that direction, you should be able to get to where the leaders of the other kingdoms reunite where they discuss how to handle the waves. Good luck and never give up".

Before the boy could do anything, the Lord ran off to the monsters, he looked down to the sword and then to his savior. He saw him cast a spell that was able to take down a part of the horde, he took this as his cue to take off to the skies and went to where his savior pointed him to go.


It felt like a few hours had passed before he landed, and decided to walk all the way there, still with the sword in his hands. But his feet could only take him so far, it was nighttime, he was hungry, thirsty and tired, but as fate would want, he found a nearby cave where he could rest. He lay down and hugged the sword to his chest, and the events that had occurred finally caught up to him and broke down. His village, his home, his friends, his family... his lord. Everything, he lost everything in the matter of a day. He was alone, the only thing left was him and the sword that his savior entrusted him weirdly enough. It wasn't long till he cried himself to sleep.


The phoenix woke up to light of sunrise and used his hand to shield himself from the light. He got up and his stomach growled so loud that it could alert a beast nearby. Decided to find at least a small bug to eat, he got out of the cave. A few minutes passed by and he found a small river where he could see many fishes, some big enough to take three meals for a day. Forgetting the events of yesterday, he stared at the fishes with stars on his eyes, he took off his clothes and left them far away where they wouldn't get wet along with the sword, and jumped in the water.


The boy was enjoying a small fish that he caught, to his bad luck, because the others were so fast for him. As soon as he finished his meal, he got up, dressed himself and decided to search for more food for later. Luckily for him, he found a bush with berries, he grabbed them and stored them in his pocket. As soon as he finished, he heard the sound of leaves rustling, he turned to the side and found some sort of rabbit with red eyes. The boy got startled and almost fell on his butt, then the rabbit jumped towards him ready to bite him but before he could, the boy started running away. The boy was scared, not much as he was in the Wave, but enough to run away, he tried flying away but as he jumped the little devil bite his leg, he tried removing it, but as soon as focused his attention to it, he fell down, separating the two of them. The boy then felt something on his side and found the sword, the rabbit attacked again but before he could, the boy stabbed it. The body went limp and he saw the corpse in shock. He just took a life, it doesn't matter if it was a demon or a person, he wasn't fond of the concept of someone dying. He pried the body off the sword and looked how it didn't move. He did it. He really took a life. Shaking his head trying to get his mind off it, he kept waking forward towards his destination, or at least where he thought he left off last night.


The sun was hot, he was thirsty, but at the very least the berries he found, not only did help him but they weren't poisonous as well. But the act he just committed was still in his head, he tried convincing himself that he did it so he could survive... right? A few hours passed and he came with terms that it was the way of life, it could give it just as it could take it, just like the Waves. With that over, he felt his wings tired as well as his legs. It wasn't long before he landed face first on the ground, ready to lose his consciousness or even his own life. But before he closed his eyes he saw guards escorting a carriage, then everything went black.

Following Chapter..... The Phoenix

This is my first attempt at making a story, I really hope you all enjoy it and see you next week on the next chapter

Date of Update: December 10 2022
Next Update: December 17 2022

Proximiu5: End Of Line

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