Headcanons - Crack/random things I thought of on the spot

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~Ass (Asch)~

-God of making kids cry on online gaming

-Ate chalk once because you told him it would give him immortality and power

-Probably listens to the hello kitty theme

-Has 100% fought with a kid at the park over a broken plastic spoon in the trash

-'accidentally' set fire to a candle store when you asked if it would smell nice after

~BFG (Pierce)~

-Accidentally lightly hit a cat one time and wouldn't stop emotionlessly crying in a corner for three days

-Amazing at cooking and you can't change my mind

-Choked Asch when he threatened You and/or Johnny and threw him out of the window

-One Halloween you dressed as a strawberry cow and he dressed as a blueberry cow and it was the cutest thing ever

-Owns a sniper rifle. Don't ask.

~Four-eyes (Rhys)~

-Has beaten Asch Noi and Leif with a book numerous times

-Set fire to everyone besides you after Noi told one too many puns (Noi told one pun)

-Bit a kid after the kid stole his ice cream

-Hates Minecraft with a burning passion. H a t e s it. He says it's too 'unrealistic'. You always point out how he's a fucking demon but he doesn't care

-Tea and gossip days with Mrs.Oates

~Noi Boi (Noi)~

-Cries when watching Spongebob

-Anyone touches his pizza without permission besides you ends up dead

-Killed a kid on accident but kinda just kicked the body away

-Actually a crazy psychopathic mf but acts sweet (DONT JUDGE ME)

-Carries around sticks of dynamite with him'

~Dumbass (Leif)~

-Accidentally shot his leg with a shotgun. Don't ask

-Got bit by a shark after swimming out to a group of them and shouting 'I am home brothers'

-Does Fortnite dances just to piss off everyone

-This man is so convinced that grape juice is whine that he broke someone's leg one time over it

-Has a chibi creeper plush but never lets anyone see. E v e r

~Queen sarcasm (Ava)~

-Fell asleep in a public washroom and was taken out by the cops and only woke up when she was in a jail cell with you sitting across from her

-Cosplays chibi ender dragon

-Her phone background is muscular Baldi

-Cries when a character in a show falls asleep because she can't sleep at the moment

-obsesses over Harry Potter

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