~visiting and making a decision~

775 22 2

      [Following day]...
       As soon as they found out that takemichi was in the hospital, hakkai, yuzuha, Baji, mitsuya, Emma, ​​chifuyu and kazutora, they ran towards the hospital, when they got there they gave the necessary information and entered To visit her.
      Takemichi was sitting on the bed looking at the bedroom window, wondering when she would be discharged, until her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the bedroom door.

       Takemichi:Come in!!

    Takemichi was surprised by the presence of her friends, especially Yuzuha and Emma, ​​her two best friends.

       Takemichi:Guys!! what are you doing here?
        Baji:We heard what happened, and we came running here.

         Hakkai:Takemichi are you okay?

         Mitsuya:Who did this to you?

      There were so many questions ,that our poor takemichi shook her head confused, yuzuha seeing how confused she was, shouted low for those present there to make room for her.

      Yuzuha:enough!! you don't realize how confused and uncomfortable she is!she questioned with a hand on her temples.

       those present there stopped, and then they paid attention to her.

        Hakkai, mitsuya, Baji, kazutora é chifuyu:Sorry takemichi, we didn't mean to scare you.

         Emma:Now that you guys finally shut up, I can talk to her now.

         Emma:So my friend, tell me what happened? I already know what my brother and the draken did to you!These two imbeciles!with a vein💢 popping out of their forehead.

         Takemichi was surprised that Emma isn't on Mikey's side much less the draken, which she had a crush on, taking a deep breath, she started to tell how she ended up in the hospital.

         Those present were furious.

          Baji:When I get those broken into!! takemichi laughed, which made her friends raise an eyebrow.

          Yuzuha:Are you laughing at what takemichi?

           Takemichi:So people! is that someone has already done this service! talks as if it were normal.

           Mitsuya:Are you ok takemichi? what do you mean by that?

           Takemichi was empowered, whether or not to tell about his encounter with taiju and his proposal.

            She was interrupted when she heard a knock on the bedroom door.

           Takemichi:In between!

         when takemichi's friends saw who was coming into the room, their mouths dropped open, taiju entered the room as if it were the most normal thing in the world, he hadn't noticed their presence of the girl's friends there.

           Taiju: Hello takemichi! how are you feeling today? talks handing you a small bouquet of flowers.

          Hakkai and Yuzuha were transfixed by the scene before them, they rubbed their eyes to see if they weren't dreaming.

          Hakkai: Sister, you are seeing what I am seeing! trying to get out of shock.

          Yuzuha:Yes brother! not believing what he saw in front of him either.

           Baji, mitsuya, Emma, chifuyu é kazutora They were in an ecstasy wondering if it wasn't a mirage.

            Taiju felt observed, when he looked to the side of the room, he showed surprise when he found his brothers, they are hanagaki's friends! Both exchanged looks in shock.

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