~•Unwanted Encounters ~•

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Friday, Jul 21, 2023 11:23 AM
               Takemichi was walking through the Tokyo shopping mall with his new old gang mates.
                Emma~ahh...nothing better than doing some shopping to relax after so much work! says Emma pouting.

                  The boys just laughed at her expression with takemichi.

                    Baji~ I still don't understand why the girls pulled us into this kind of thing! Baji speaks with a slightly bored expression.

                     Yuzuha~ well baji…then why is she here!She said showing him her middle finger…which made baji even more irritated.

                      Hakkai ~sister...don't tease him that much!said hakkai embarrassed by the looks of some girls.

                        Mitsuya ~ei hakkai... you should go say hi to them don't you think! said mitsuya smiling at his friend surreptitiously.

                        Chifyu~ hey baji-san…how about we go get some ice cream over there!” She pointed to a cart nearby…as she pulled baji over there.

                          Takemichi was grinning from ear to ear as he spent time with his friends... until they arrived at a diner... takemichi was about to place an order when someone he knew unfortunately arrived for takemichi and they were the people she was hating endlessly.

                        Mikey~well if it's not our darling takemichi traitor! Mikey said smiling applaudingly with a girl in his arms that takemichi would describe as one of the girls that lives in drake's house and is supposedly Mikey's girlfriend.
                          Takemichi lost the smile quickly, as he looked with distaste at his group ahead.

                       Takemichi~mikey...!she says bitterly, noticing also draken and kizaki behind him, her fury increased when kizaki passed her ear talking to her.

                        Kisaki~so hanagaki...what do you think of how I managed to deceive toman and frame you without anyone knowing! he says walking away with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
                         Takemichi~kisaki damn!! she says irritably, her teammates behind her weren't left out either.

                         Emma~mikey, draken how dare you get so close to takemichi after what you've done! Emma says with fury in her eyes.

                          Yuzuha ~bunch of bastards!!

                          Hakkai ~what do you think you're doing here? he says seriously.

                         Mitsuya~ I still can't believe I was friends with guys like you! he says bitterly.

                          Mikey and the others couldn't care less about the accusations, they just wanted to make Takemichi suffer again.

                          Mikey ~ah takemichi...I heard that you joined Black dragons, I didn't know you were so dirty, and that you became the leader...tell me did you happen to sleep or something with taiju!he says smiling slyly.

                           Takemichi couldn't take the insults any longer...he slapped him in the face with a lot of hate.

                          Takemichi ~never, never say something like that again manjiro sano! repeating his name loudly, even the toman members standing behind Mikey were startled, not only by takemichi's fierce voice but also by his gaze, the sweet and gentle gaze they knew no longer existed.

                            Mikey ~wow yours! he says very irritated, do you think you can beat the great invincible Mikey, another tells you, you're just a weakling who is probably protected by your new teammates.

                             Takemichi coldly looked at Mikey and his companions directing him with a last warning.

                          Takemichi ~ you listen well, I won't repeat what I'm going to say, I hope you're ready, because I'm going to finish you and toman, listen to my words, the end of you will come! she says leaving the place coldly with her colleagues.

                           Baji~takemichi, are you okay? I heard what happened! Those bastards! he said irritably.

                           Chifyu~ don't worry takemichi, they will pay for what they did.

                           Takemichi smiled slightly at them in thanks.

                            Takemichi ~I thank you guys, we only have to wait for one person, and we can finally get my revenge! She says smiling broadly.

                      The members looked at each other, who was this person that takemichi was talking about?

                      Yuzuha~takemichi, and who would that person be? Is she reliable? I'm sorry for the question.

                      Takemichi ~don't worry yuzuha, soon you'll know.
                        Emma~se takemichi is saying that he trusts this person! I can only say that I trust his judgment.
                          Hakkai ~I have to agree.
               And so they left, leaving Takemichi alone in her thoughts.

                  Not far from there, a young man in a red overcoat, with silver hair and strange earrings, was arriving in Tokyo, for hidden reasons.

                ??~At last the time has come to finally finish off Toman and Mikey...get ready that the king has arrived.

{One more chapter for you my loves, thanks for the votes, views and comments, kisses♥️}

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