Chapter 1

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Poppy Augustus 

Do you ever feel like you only have yourself? Just you against the world. I feel like that almost all the time. Do I have friends? Yup. I have tons of friends, even two best friends. My big sister Daisy and my actual best friend, Parker. Parker and I met at the beach right by our house, he lives about five houses down from me. We were six when we met and then his family ended up moving right next to us. We are best friends and my mother and his mother are also best friends, he's been my right-hand man for years. 

 I would like to call Daisy the more known sibling, she has a lot of friends and if she's not home you already know she's probably out with a lot of other people. Everyone wants to be Daisy, sometimes even me! I got one hell of a sister, lucky me. Some people may think I'm living in a dream but in reality, there are so many obstacles I go through, it's just the life of an Augustus.

Today is the first day of summer in Raleigh. Summers in North Carolina usually tend to be very fun, but I am spending it lying in my room with my dog, Butter. Daisy was ten and I was nine when we got Butter, if you were wondering we came up with the name together. My mother didn't like it at all but one day it just stuck and we have loved it ever since. I guess you could say Butter is my other best friend, so I actually lied to you, I have three best friends. Butter, Parker, and D. Butter and I were lying down together until I heard a knock at my door.

"Hellooo." I heard Parker's voice from outside

"Don't come in our room, Butter says he doesn't wanna deal with any of your shenanigans today," I said trying to stay serious

"Too bad, I'm coming anyway." He said barging through my bedroom door

"Heyyy!!" I said laughing while Butter licked my hair with his blue tongue

"So what's up Pop?" He said laying on top of Butter

"Nothing much, the first day of summer and I'm spending it with you and Butter, couldn't ask for much else," I said flashing Parker a quick smile

"Where's D?" He asked popping his head up from Butter's side

"She went on an ice cream run with Ryland, she said she'd be back in a little," I said back, Ryland and Daisy have been dating for two and a half years. Impressive right? They are one of the most cohesive couples I've ever seen.

"Well, you wanna go do something?" Parker suggested, "Outside." He added, knowing unlike my sister I'd rather have fun in the house.

"Let's go to the coffee shop!" I suggested back running downstairs

"Alright, I'm right behind you!" Parker said trailing behind me

When we got outside we hopped in my car and drove to our favorite coffee shop about five minutes away from our house. Even if we take my car, I always make Parker drive, I enjoy the ride. We ended up going and I got matcha and Parker got a black coffee, I like to say he's a weirdo for that. I mean how could you possibly like the taste of pure black coffee? Whatever floats his boat I guess.

"I think Daisy will be home pretty soon," I said as we both lay down on the couch together

"Good, I want to see her and Ryland," Parker said laying his head on my stomach

"You're such a big baby Park," I said rubbing his back a little

"What are you kids up to?" My mom said while in the kitchen, my mother always looked perfect no matter what she was doing. 

"Nothing much, we just went on a coffee date, and now we're back." I said looking at my mom, "Also where's dad?" I added

"He's just in his office, he had to finish some things up." My mom said while walking toward Parker and I

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