Where am I?
"Hello Error."
"Wh0... wHo ar3 y0u?"
"That's a good question, but it doesn't matter, you won't remember me anyway. Now, I am here because I listened to the blessing put in your soul."
"WH4t bl3ss1ng?"
"The one you friend gave you, Reaper, right?"
"He didn't tell you what it was?"
"Hmm, alright, then I guess I will. Your friend Reaper gave you the oppotunity to be reborn!"
"Yeah, I know, shocking. But I thought, why not? It was a little unfair that your life ended that way, so thanks to Reaper, now you can live a better one. Only if you want of course."
"... 4 bEtt3r l1f3?"
"Yeah! If you accept to be reborn then we can discuss the details about it."
"4nd 1f 1 d0n't?"
"Then you'll go back to stop existing."
Well... wow, this was too much, can he really accept something like that?
"...Will, w1ll 1 st1ll b3 th3 destr0y3r 1f 1'm r3b0rn?"
"Pfff obviously not! This time, you get to chose what you want to be! you can still be a god if you want, or just a common mortal and live a simple mortal life, or be reborn as a different creature! like an animal. You can also chose what kind of world you want to be reborn in."
"Y0u w0ulD r34lLy l3t m3 ch0s3 4lL th4t?"
"Yeah, and much more, if you want."
This sounds too good to be true, did Reaper really let HIM out of everyone to be reborn? AND now he can chose what and who he wants to be?
"wh4t's th3 c4tch?"
"Ah, I can't tell you before you accept to be reborn, but I can assure you it's nothing bad."
"4nD wHy sh0ulD 1 TruSt y0u?"
"You don't have to."
"... WhY? wHy m3? Why 0nLy m3?"
"Ah... Well, when I heard your story I couldn't help but rot for you, you never had a choice, not where you lived, not who you were, nor what you had to do, and definitely not on how you died. I was happy when Reaper gave you this blessing, I don't know why only you where given the blessing, but now, I want to give you the ability to chose, to live in a world where your choices matter. Where you don't have to worry over balances and all that stuff, you can be someone new. If... that's what you chose."
"... w3ll 1 gu3ss 1f th1s 1s th3 0nlY Ch4nc3 1 g3t t0 h4v3 4 Ch01c3 0v3r Wh0 1 4m, th3n... y43h, 1 w4nt t0 b3 r3b0rn."
"Oh that's great, okay so, the catch is... you'll be reborn as a baby AND for the first years of your early life you won't remember your past life. But there's still be parts of your personality that will stick."
"HuH... th4t, d03sN't s0uNd t0O b4d."
"See I told you."
"...0k4y s0 f1rSt Th1nG, 1 st1lL w4nT t0 b3 4 Sk3l3t0n, bUt 4 m0rt4l 0n3. 1 d0n'T t0 b3 4 g0d 4nYm0r3."
The Death Of Error The Life Of Venol
FanfictionError is a god, of destruction. He doesn't like his job, but he doesn't hate it. In all of his inmortal life as one, he's come to terms of what has to be done, so all of his allies don't perish. But, as has been foretold, his life was cut short...