It's nice to see you.

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Welp, this is it. Summer break just started.

And today is the day they finally go to the skeletons kindom, Venol already packed all of his things in his bag that now Stella was carring in her back, Bold and Cursive too. The journey to there would take 26 hours, luckily is 6 in the morning right now, so they'll arrive the day after tomorrow. And now they were outside their house saying goodbye to everyone. Papyrus and Sans were talking to the other adults while Venol said bye to their cousings.

"Don't have too much fun without me ok?"

"Pff- I'm gonna have so much fun, you'll regret ever leaving."

"Don't listen to Chara, I know they will miss you a lot, and I'll miss you too."

Chara just crossed their arms and looked away while Venol laughed a bit but he hug them, both of them.

"I'll miss you too guys, but it's fine we'll only be gone for a month."

"It's still to long."

"Who's being a baby now?"

"Shut up Asriel!"

"I wish they Holys and Berdly were here."

"Yeah, sadly they also had thigs to do... But we'll still see eachother."

"At least I got to say goodbye to them in school before leaving."

"Yeah, you better tell us everything that happens when you come back ok?"

"I promise."

"Good, you're a great partner."

"Sorry, I guess for now the deal will have to be on hold."

"That will not be a problem, you'll just have to pay me double the amount next time."

"I wish that you would tell me what the deal is about."

"You do not have to concern yourself with such matters dear brother."

"I'm very worried."


"OK, DAD."

"I'll see ya in a month."

"Goodbye Venol."

"Bye cousing."

And with that, he got on Stella, and wave goodbye their friends and family, who were all wishing them a safe travel. Starting to make their way to Phenik's home land, he got the feeling that something will make this trip worth it.

Well, nevermind traveling is the worst!

I'm soooo bored! 

I miss my portals! With them I could just takes us there in no time.

"come on my skelespider, it's only been an hour since we left."

"But I'm bored."

Venol said while laying on the wolf, looking at the sky with no interest.


"Sure, I'm geting hungry, what did you make?"

Venol turn to his papa who was riding Bold to his left, he was searching something in his bag, then took out lunch boxes he pass Venol two, and he passed one of them to Sans, which he lazily took.

Venol opened the lunch box to find pancakes in there, he smile as he started eating them.

"Mmm! Man those are delicious."



"You made them!?"

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